
天物彩板 · 专注定制彩板16年




事实上, 单层彩钢板不仅环保,而且是市场上最受欢迎的建材。首先,它重量轻,10-14kg/m2,相当于砖墙的1/30。这将是非常方便的运输。此外,单层彩钢板具有良好的性能、保温效果和强度。高,可作为天花围护板承重、抗弯、抗压;一般房屋不需要梁、柱,这样可以节省房屋本身的成本,而且其颜色属于亮色,无需表面装饰,彩色镀锌钢板防腐涂料保持10-15年,其实,最重要的一点是它的价格相对便宜,是大家都能承受的范围。此外,单层彩钢板还具有环保节能的功能。这确实是21世纪最需要的一种建筑材料。适用于环保建筑,相辅相成。事实上,单层彩色钢板具有更为显著的特点,即其安装灵活,速度也很快。施工周期可以缩短到40%以上,所以会有更多的企业选择它来建房,因为它不仅可以节省成本,而且可以缩短时间,所以单层彩钢板的未来市场肯定是非常有前景的。

For environmentally friendly buildings, has always been the pursuit of the concept of people's life, but the building materials must also be environmentally friendly, so single-layer color steel sheet can fully play its characteristics at this time, color steel sheet in the construction industry has an important position, because it itself belongs to environmental protection building materials, I believe that as long as people use it as the main building materials. Material, will certainly be able to create the most perfect environmental protection buildings, so that buildings keep pace with the times and continue to move forward. Color steel plate

In fact, the single-layer color steel plate is not only environmentally friendly, but also the most popular building material in the market. First of all, it is light in weight, 10-14 kg/m2, equivalent to 1/30 of the brick wall. It will be very convenient to transport. Moreover, the single-layer color steel plate has good performance, heat insulation effect, and its strength. High, can be used as smallpox enclosure plate load-bearing, bending and compression resistance; general houses do not need beams and columns, so that the cost of the house itself can be saved, and that its color belongs to bright color, without surface decoration, color galvanized steel sheet anticorrosive coating maintained for 10-15 years, in fact, the most important point is that its price is relatively cheap, is a range that everyone can bear. Moreover, the single-layer color steel plate has the function of environmental protection and energy saving. This is really a kind of building material that the 21 world needs most. It is suitable for environmental protection buildings and complements each other. In fact, the single-layer color steel plate has a more significant feature, that is, its installation is flexible, and its speed is also very fast. The construction period can be shortened to more than 40%, so more enterprises will choose it to build houses, because it can not only save costs, but also reduce time, so the future market of single-layer color steel plate is certainly very promising. Yes.