
天物彩板 · 专注定制彩板16年



3.彩板厂家价格 (1)2
连接方式: 彩涂卷连接方式一般有搭接、咬边、扣接。紧固件材料的选择要求其耐蚀性优于彩涂钢板。否则,根据大阴极小阳极的原理,界面会很快被腐蚀和腐烂。其次,密封胶的质量也要保证,因为密封胶也是一种有机高分子材料,长期使用也会老化,影响密封性能,导致紧固件与钢板构成腐蚀回路。此外 彩涂卷,接头也没有尽可能的紧密(当然,绝对密封是最好的)。事实上,这是做不到的。最好留一个大于0.5mm的间隙,这样可以防止毛细现象。当然,彩涂卷如果有风,毛细现象会更严重。建筑物的朝向和坡度:朝向和坡度影响日照时间,从而影响涂层的耐久性。坡度也影响腐蚀性介质或粉尘在钢板上的沉降时间。国外发达国家(如美国、瑞典)一般将国内的腐蚀环境进行分类,并以此作为建筑设计、汽车使用和涂料使用的依据或规范。主要指金属的腐蚀。涂层的腐蚀(粉化、褪色)主要由光引起,温度、湿度和腐蚀介质为辅。因此,对彩涂钢板的评价应考虑日照时间和日照强度。因此,彩涂钢板的腐蚀环境十分复杂。目前,国外还没有相应的分类方法。在几种典型的气候条件下,只有彩色涂层钢板暴露在阳光下,相关结果用于指导用户。例如,欧洲钢卷涂层协会(ECCA)选择了具有高紫外线辐射的葡萄牙里斯本和具有工业海洋气候的荷兰霍克万(Hendaye,法国)和德国(Geleen,德国)作为暴露试验地点。在美国,像往常一样,暴露试验是在佛罗里达州南部进行的,这座高温、高湿、阳光明媚的城市两边都被海水包围。这也是彩色涂料行业公认的要求最高的曝光测试场地。为了检验宝钢彩色涂料在国内不同地方的应用情况,宝钢从1990年开始对彩色涂料产品进行了曝光试验,并在海南(中国佛罗里达州)、广州、青岛、上海、重庆、哈尔滨、包头、成都、北京、舟山等地进行了曝光试验仍在进行这项工作。

Installation or processing quality: it is mainly reflected in whether the coating is damaged during processing, whether it is processed when the coating is brittle at low temperature, whether it is damaged by dragging the steel plate during installation, structural welding iron chips fall on the coating during installation, and the roof panel is not cleaned after construction, which will cause material corrosion.

Connection mode: the connection mode generally includes lap joint, undercut and buckle. The selection of fastener materials requires that its corrosion resistance is better than that of color coated steel plate. Otherwise, according to the principle of large cathode and small anode, the interface will be corroded and rotten quickly. Secondly, the quality of sealant should also be guaranteed, because sealant is also an organic polymer material, long-term use will also aging, affect the sealing performance, resulting in fasteners and steel plate constitute a corrosion circuit. In addition, the joint is not as tight as possible (of course, absolute sealing is the best). In fact, it can not be done. It is best to leave a gap width greater than 0.5mm, which can prevent capillary phenomenon. Of course, if there is wind, capillary phenomenon will be more serious. Orientation and slope of the building: orientation and slope affect the sunshine time, thus affecting the durability of the coating. The slope also affects the settling time of corrosive medium or dust on the steel plate. Foreign developed countries (such as the United States and Sweden) generally classify the domestic corrosive environment, and take it as the basis or specification for architectural design, automobile use and coating use. It mainly refers to the corrosion of metal. The corrosion of coating (pulverization and fading) is mainly caused by light, supplemented by temperature, humidity and corrosive medium. Therefore, sunshine time and sunshine intensity should be considered in the evaluation of color coated steel plate. Therefore, the corrosion environment specially divided for color coated steel plate is quite complex. At present, there is no corresponding classification method in foreign countries. Only the color coated steel plate is exposed to sunlight under several typical climatic conditions, and the relevant results are used to guide users. For example, European coil steel coating Association (ECCA) chose Lisboa (Portugal) with high ultraviolet radiation and hoekvan (Netherlands) with industrial marine climate Hendaye (France) of marine climate and Geleen (Germany) of industrial climate were used as exposure test sites. In the United States, as always, the exposure test is carried out in the south of Florida, which is surrounded by the sea on both sides of the high temperature, high humidity and sunshine city. This is also the most demanding exposure test site recognized by the color coating industry. In order to test the application of Baosteel's color coating in different places in China, Baosteel has carried out the exposure test of color coating products since 1990, and has carried out the exposure test in Hainan (Florida, China), Guangzhou, Qingdao, Shanghai, Chongqing, Harbin, Baotou, Chengdu, Beijing, Zhoushan, etc. At present, Baosteel is still carrying out this work.
