
天物彩板 · 专注定制彩板16年







Colored steel sheet is very common in our life and widely used. The gradient of colored steel sheet roof is generally small, often less than 6%. This kind of structure is more common in rainy areas in central and southern China. It has a large area of water leakage, light windows and roof joint leakage. It is necessary to understand and analyze the structure, leakage points and causes of water leakage from color steel roof.
Color steel plate
Generally, the leakage of colored steel roof is mainly caused by self-tapping screw, lapping of colored steel plate, roof tiles, core-pulling rivets, deformation of colored steel plate caused by people on the roof and rain-proof glue falling off from decorative parts such as lighting windows. The corresponding leakage points can be divided into the following points:
1. Leakage of roof screw and fastener
This phenomenon mainly occurs in the roof of double-layer and single-layer color steel plates. During the construction process, the tapping force is too heavy, too light, the screw deflects, and the screw deflects, and the screw deflects, falls off or forms a concave surface, which may cause the drip and leakage of the roof and accumulate through the thermal insulation cotton, forming more and less leakage. Water. In addition, the incorrect position of self tapping and the missing of purlin under the color steel plate to form holes directly are also one of the important reasons for water leakage. This leakage phenomenon may not be obvious in the roof structure without insulation system of single-layer color steel plate, mainly because the rainwater seeps through the contact part of steel plate and purlin and then disperses directly, and does not necessarily drip rapidly.
2. Leakage at lap of coloured steel plate
Horizontal and vertical overlap joints, color steel plate overlap leakage, if the color steel plate tile wave is too low or rainwater is not too large, it is easy to form a large area of leakage, and it is not easy to detect the leakage point, once formed, it is not easy to repair, this situation is more common in the arc roof. The main reasons are that the overlap between the two boards is not tight, the self-tapping is not full to form a gap, and so on.
3. Leakage of roof tiles
Leakage caused by roof tiles is also a common phenomenon in roof construction of light steel structures. During the rainy season, especially when the amount of rainwater is large, the splash of rainwater passes through the gap between the two color steel plates at the lower part of the ridge tile, forming a large area of leakage.
