
天物彩板 · 专注定制彩板16年



4.天津彩涂板 (2)2

Color steel coil is made of various metal materials. The main function of this method is to improve the corrosion resistance of steel plate. The surface of the steel plate is generally silver white, the surface is evenly distributed, and the metal pattern is smooth.

Color steel coil is made of various metal materials. The main function of this method is to improve the corrosion resistance of steel plate. The surface of the steel plate is generally silver white, the surface is evenly distributed, and the metal pattern is smooth. In the process of galvanizing, the single-layer metal coating process is similar to the multi-layer metal coating process, and the continuous casting method is mainly used.
The production of closed cooling tower mainly adopts color steel coil. Although this will increase the production cost to some extent, it will greatly reduce the maintenance cost in terms of service life and maintenance. Due to the need of cooling tower, its internal environment is mainly humid and hot. Therefore, the materials used in the cooling tower must have good high temperature resistance and corrosion resistance. The corrosion performance of metal coating mainly depends on the thickness of the coating and the solubility of the material to be plated. At the same thickness, the higher the solubility of the coating material, the longer the service life of the coating and the lower the solubility.
The manufacturer of color coated printing board points out that there are few defects or cracks in the processed parts in the production and processing process. Color steel coil can withstand high tensile and bending strength. Thus, the possibility of accidents in the processing process is reduced to a great extent. In high temperature environment, the heat resistance of steel plate is twice that of other steel plates.