
天物彩板 · 专注定制彩板16年




铝镁锰板的主要特点是:铝波纹板的密度为2.7,熔点为658,温度为20~100℃,线膨胀系数为0.0000023,开裂载荷系数为8~12kg/m2 mm(根据材料硬度而变化),延伸率为10~40%,厚度为0.7~1.2mm使用后,厚度可减至0.6mm。固定方式除压接铆接外,还可选择焊接方式。
1、 性价比:铝镁锰合金性价比高:重量轻,防水,易弯弧,立体视觉效果好;彩钢板性价比低:质量重,防水性差,刚性强,弧度稍差,艺术效果差。
2、 成型:铝镁锰合金具有良好的焊接性和高塑性。在低温环境下,提高了铝合金的强度和延伸率,具有突出的低温操作性能;彩钢板钢在低温下易开裂。
3、 防火安全:铝镁锰合金熔点低(660℃)。耐高温性能差。如果温度超过150℃,强度会很快丧失。火灾发生时,屋顶易被烧穿,使火势向外延伸而不是水平向内,有助于消防人员从顶部扑灭防水管道火灾;彩钢板熔点高(1515℃)。
4、 防雷功能:铝镁锰合金厚度一般为0.7mm和0.9mm,可直接作为避雷器使用(国家防雷建设规划规范GB 50057),防止屋顶穿孔;彩钢板一般采用0.5mm厚的铝锌板和镀锌钢板,不能直接用作避雷器,但需要安装避雷器(如避雷针)。
5、 外观比较:铝镁锰合金可分为不涂漆(锤纹、压花、预钝化氧化铝表面处理等)和涂装(PVDF、SMP、PE等);彩钢板可分为不涂漆(热浸铝锌合金钢带:光面板)和涂装型(PVDF、SMP、PE、HDP等)。

The application of roof metal materials has a history of hundreds of years. Many of them choose metal materials as roof materials because of the rapid development of the international metallurgical industry since the 1960s, which can produce various specifications and meet the quality requirements of metal plates, and reduce the cost.

At present, the roof metal materials widely used in the market include galvanized steel plate, stainless steel plate, aluminum alloy plate, copper plate, zinc copper titanium plate and pure titanium plate. The advantages of roof metal plate are simple construction, fast speed, good waterproof function, and can be used repeatedly. In addition to the maximum temperature and minimum temperature that can be attacked by the earth's climate, it is seldom affected by the stress caused by the climate and roof deformation when it is used as roof material. We can also paint various colors according to the situation.
The main characteristics of aluminum magnesium manganese plate are: density is 2.7, melting point is 658, temperature is 20 ~ 100 ℃, linear expansion coefficient is 0.0000023, cracking load coefficient is 8 ~ 12 kg / m2 mm (varies according to material hardness), elongation is 10 ~ 40%, thickness is 0.7 ~ 1.2mm, when aluminum corrugated plate is used, the thickness can be reduced to 0.6mm. The fixing method is in addition to crimping and riveting, The welding method can also be selected.
1、 Cost performance: aluminum magnesium manganese alloy has high cost performance: light weight, waterproof, easy to bend arc, good stereo vision effect; color steel plate has low cost performance: heavy quality, poor waterproof, strong rigidity, slightly poor arc bending and poor artistic effect.
2、 Molding: aluminum magnesium manganese alloy has excellent weldability and high plasticity. Under low temperature environment, the strength and elongation function of aluminum alloy are improved, which has outstanding low temperature operation function; color steel plate steel s easy to crack at low temperature.
3、 Fire safety: the melting point of Al Mg Mn alloy is low (660 ℃). The function of high temperature resistance is poor. If the temperature is above 150 ℃, the strength will be lost quickly. When a fire breaks out, the roof is easy to burn through, which makes the fire extend outward rather than horizontally inward, which helps firefighters to extinguish the waterproof pipe fire from the top; the melting point of color steel sheet steel is high (1515 ℃).
4、 Lightning protection function: the thickness of aluminum magnesium manganese alloy is usually 0.7mm and 0.9mm, which can be directly used as lightning arrester (national code for planning of lightning protection construction (GB 50057), to prevent perforation on the roof; color steel plate usually uses 0.5mm thick aluminum zinc plated and galvanized steel plate, which can not be directly used as lightning arrester, but needs to be installed with lightning arrester (such as lightning rod).
5、 Appearance comparison: Al Mg Mn alloy can be divided into non painting (hammer pattern, embossing, pre passivated alumina surface treatment, etc.) and painting (PVDF, SMP, PE, etc.); color steel plate can be divided into non painting (hot-dip aluminum zinc alloy steel strip: smooth plate) and painting type (PVDF, SMP, PE, HDP, etc.).