
天物彩板 · 专注定制彩板16年


花纹铝板:看看厚度。细花纹铝板的厚度、强度和氧化膜厚度应符合国家标准:铝板厚度(>1.2 mm)、抗拉强度(>157牛/平方毫米)、屈服强度(>108牛/平方毫米)、氧化膜厚度(>10微米)。如果不符合规格,则为残余铝板。

花纹铝板 : 第二,看看治疗方法。大型工厂生产的花纹铝板标准化具有材质细、表面光滑、花纹清晰规整、铝板平整、无油污、划伤、伤痕等缺点;而小型工厂生产的花纹铝板厂则采用以铝为原材料,外观无光泽,花纹不清不规则,表面不平整,无功能。合格,不合格。可怜的。

花纹铝板 看看服务。从生产厂家的生产线到公司的车间,中心要经过包装、装车、运输、仓储、开业等多个环节。花纹铝板不可避免地会出现氧化、划伤等缺陷。有计划、服务周到的供应商将提供定制服务

Look at the thickness. The thickness, strength and oxide film thickness of fine pattern aluminium sheet should conform to national standards: aluminium sheet thickness (>1.2 mm), tensile strength (>157 cows/square millimeter), yield strength (>108 cows/square millimeter), oxide film thickness (>10 microns). If it does not conform to the specifications, it is a residual aluminum sheet.
Second, look at the treatment. The standardization of pattern aluminium sheet produced by large factories has the disadvantages of fine material, smooth surface, clear and regular pattern, flat aluminium sheet, no oil stain, scratches, scars and so on; while the pattern aluminium sheet factory produced by small factories uses scrap aluminium as raw material, with dull and glossy appearance, unclear and irregular pattern, uneven surface and no function. Qualified, unqualified quality. Pitiful.
Look at the quotation. Patterned aluminium sheets are divided into pure aluminium and alloys, and their quotations are naturally different. The processing cost of pattern aluminium sheet produced by standard manufacturer is several thousand yuan per ton. The price of the alloy is higher than that of pure aluminium. The quotation of pattern aluminium sheet produced by standard manufacturer is 20%-30% higher than that of Residual Aluminium sheet. When a company purchases, its quotation must not exceed one price. If it bought substandard goods, it would be too late to regret.
Look at the service. From the production line of the manufacturer to the workshop of the company, the center has to go through many links, such as packaging, loading, transportation, warehousing, opening and so on. Defects such as oxidation and scratch inevitably occur in pattern aluminium sheet. Planned and well-served suppliers will provide custom
