
天物彩板 · 专注定制彩板16年



东冶 (123)

Why is it necessary to add story to steel structure? The technology of adding story to steel structure is a new type of reinforcement and transformation, which is being gradually implemented. In terms of technology, economy and safety, it has obvious advantages over concrete buildings, but it is not widely used in the world and its design is not perfect

In order to adapt to the rapid development of building structure reinforcement, reconstruction and steel structure addition projects, and to better complete the addition and transformation of old buildings, the current situation of research on steel structure adding storey has begun, China has successively established academic groups, research committees and enhanced technical standards committee for building addition and renovation technology, which forms an active academic discussion and experience exchange environment for steel structure addition and renovation projects
In general, this kind of storey adding conversion technology is also called outer frame adding storey structure. There are several main types of frame adding structure, which are separate and integral. The outer frame adding layer structure is completely separated from the old house; the latter means that the outer frame is connected with the old building structure as a whole