

天物彩板-始于2004 专注功能性高端彩板生产销售
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返回列表 来源: 发布日期: 2019.11.27




How about the pressure of color steel coil

Beuse of the damage of sliding friction, the specific tensile strength of the banding belt is lower than that of the banding force F0. The final tensile strength of the banding belt is related to the friction resistance between the banding belt and the color steel coil or the wall corner. The color steel coil can improve the binding effect of the banding belt according to reducing the friction resistance between the banding belt and the color steel coil or the wall corner (such as adding grease).
In the whole process of binding the colored steel coil, when the buckle is in the inner hole of the coil, the pressure of the outer and inner layers of the colored steel coil is unbalanced, and there is a trend of relative movement along the radial direction; when the buckle is in the center of the colored steel coil, the pressure of the colored steel coil is symmetrical, which is better than that when the buckle is on the end surface of the colored steel coil. The key of forming coil is hot rolling coil and cold rolling coil. Hot rolled coil is a kind of production and processing commodity before slab hardening. Cold coil is the post production and processing of hot rolled coil.
Color steel coil
The general net weight of color steel coil is 15-30t up and down. Since 2019, the production capacity of hot strip production and manufacturing in China has continued to expand. There have been dozens of hot strip production lines, and some new projects will be built or produced.
The key to the sale of color steel coil is for big customers. Generally, customers do not have the machine and equipment of the unwinder or the usage is limited. Therefore, the post production and processing of color steel coil will be a promising industrial chain. Perhaps, at this stage, the larger steelmaking plants often have their own unwinder and leveling new projects.

