
天物彩板 · 专注定制彩板16年




    从目前来说,彩钢板的国家标准有GB/T 12755-91,GB 6723-86,GB 50018-2002 ,GB 50205-2001 ,JC868-2000等,而这些也构成了彩钢板的主要的一些标准,在规范我国的彩钢板市场中发挥了极大的贡献,由此我们也可以肯定,在彩钢板的不断发展中,在市场的不断规范完整下,这种产品有着极大的运营及发展的空间。

Color steel plate is a new building material formed after surface painting and pressing of galvanized steel plate. In the current market, color steel plate occupies a very important position. Color steel plate has been increasingly recognized by all aspects after decades of development.

However, as far as the current market of color steel plate is concerned, although the market demand is increasing day by day, due to the lack of certain standardization of domestic manufacturers, color steel plate has also encountered many problems in its current use. Therefore, we have also formulated many relevant standards for color steel plate, so as to ensure that color steel plate can continue to be stable and safe in future use.
At present, the national standards of color steel plate include GB / T 12755-91, GB 6723-86, GB 50018-2002, GB 50205-2001, jc868-2000, etc., which also constitute some of the main standards of color steel plate and have played a great role in standardizing China's color steel plate market. Therefore, we can also be sure that with the continuous development of color steel plate and the continuous standardization and integrity of the market, This product has great space for operation and development.