

天物彩板-始于2004 专注功能性高端彩板生产销售
服务热线: 400-060-9166
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返回列表 来源: 发布日期: 2021.03.27


(1) 聚酯树脂(PE)。这是一种传统的面漆体系,这种树脂不受脂肪酸的影响,彩钢板性能优越。涂层具有良好的柔韧性、附着力和加工性能。然而,PE涂料在耐阳光和薄膜粉化方面并不理想,因此PE涂料的应用仍需加以限制。彩钢板一般用于空气污染较轻的地区,在工业环境或污染较重的地区使用寿命相对缩短。一般使用寿命为8-10年。

11.高耐候彩板厂家 (2)

(2) 高性能聚酯(HDP)。它是由聚酯树脂(PE)改性而成。彩钢板由于聚酯树脂(PE)中含有活性基团-OH/COOH,容易与其它高分子化合物发生反应。为了提高聚乙烯的耐光照性和粉碎性,用保色性和耐热性好的树脂对其进行改性,合成了HDP。HDP能为钢板提供更好的耐久性和户外耐候性,并能延长钢板的防腐寿命。HDP树脂涂层体系在室外常规气候和适当的雨水冲刷条件下,可在10-15年内避免开裂、剥落或松动。

(3) 聚二氟乙烯树脂(PVDF)。彩钢板聚二氟乙烯树脂涂料是目前世界卷材涂料体系中最优良的体系,也是建筑行业最先进的产品。由于PVDF化学键和学术键之间有很强的结合力,涂层具有很好的耐腐蚀性和保色性,其耐候性(保光性、耐粉化性和颜色耐久性)也是所有涂层体系中最好的。PVDF的分子量和直接键合结构,使其除了具有优异的耐化学性外,还具有优异的力学性能、耐紫外线和耐热性。聚二氟乙烯树脂涂料体系可在正常的室外气候和适当的降雨条件下清洗,漆层在20天内不开裂、不剥落、不松动。

(1) Polyester resin (PE). It is a conventional topcoat system, this kind of resin is not affected by fatty acid, and is superior in characteristics. The coating has good flexibility, adhesion and processability. However, PE coating is not ideal for sunlight resistance and film pulverization, so the use of PE coating still needs to be limited. It is generally used in areas with less serious air pollution, and its service life is relatively reduced in industrial environment or areas with serious pollution. The general service life is 8-10 years.
(2) High performance polyester (HDP). It is modified from polyester resin (PE). Because the polyester resin (PE) contains active group - OH / COOH, it is easy to react with other high molecular compounds. In order to improve the sunlight resistance and pulverization of PE, it is denatured with the resin with good color retention and heat resistance, and HDP is synthesized. HDP can provide better durability and outdoor weather resistance for steel plate, It can also prolong the anti-corrosion life. HDP resin coating system can avoid cracking, peeling or loosening in 10-15 years under the condition of outdoor conventional climate and proper rainfall washing.
(3) Polydifluoroethylene resin (PVDF). Polydifluoroethylene resin coating is the most excellent system in the coil coating system in the world at present, and it is also the most advanced product in the construction industry. Due to the strong bonding force between PVDF chemical bond and academic bond, the coating has very good corrosion resistance and color retention, and its weatherability (light retention, pulverization resistance and color durability) is also the best among all coating systems. PVDF molecular weight and direct bond structure, so in addition to excellent resistance to chemicals, it has excellent mechanical properties, UV resistance and heat resistance. The polydifluoroethylene resin coating system can be washed in normal outdoor climate and proper rainfall, and the paint layer will not crack, peel or loosen within 20 days.

