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返回列表 来源: 发布日期: 2019.12.22


唐山天物彩板一站式采购全国配送——镇江彩钢板质量保障_镇江彩钢板长期销售  更多信息请拨打网站上方电话咨询了解


一般来说, 彩钢板屋面漏水主要是由于自攻螺钉、彩钢板搭接、屋脊瓦、抽芯铆钉、彩钢板在屋面上人为变形以及采光窗等装饰部位的防雨胶水脱落造成的。相应的泄漏点可分为以下几点:


这种现象主要发生在双层 彩钢板和单层彩钢板屋面。施工过程中,自攻力过大过轻,自攻螺钉偏斜等,可能导致自攻胶垫变形、脱落或形成凹面,造成屋面滴水渗漏,并通过保温棉积聚,积聚越来越多,形成多点漏水。另外,自攻丝位置不对, 彩钢板下檩条漏掉直接形成孔洞,也是漏水的重要原因之一。这种漏水现象在没有保温系统的单层彩钢板屋面结构中可能不明显,主要原因是雨水渗漏后通过钢板与檩条的接触部分直接分散,不一定滴水迅速。

2。 彩钢板接头处漏水



在轻钢结构屋盖施工中,屋脊瓦漏水也是常见现象。在雨季,特别是有大量雨水时,雨水的飞溅通过屋脊瓦下部两块 彩钢板的接缝处,形成大面积渗漏。

在了解 彩钢板屋面结构、可能的漏水点及漏水原因后,再谈处理方案。根据多年的施工经验,提出两种渗漏方案:


该方案可使 彩钢板屋面形成一个完整的连接防水层,推荐采用自粘膜进行城市防水。自粘胶辊是一种能与基材表面自行粘结的防水密封材料。它可分为带胎自粘和无胎自粘两种。有轮胎自粘上下自粘中间夹紧胎座,上覆乙烯基薄膜,下覆可剥硅油膜。无胎自粘胶由自粘胶、上乙烯基膜和下硅油膜组成。本产品具有自愈性,即当线圈被刺穿或嵌入硬物时,会自动与硬物结合,仍能保持良好的防水性能。详见:自粘橡胶沥青防水卷材

2。屋面螺丝、扣件、 彩钢板搭接、屋脊瓦应做防水处理。施工工艺为:清理基层→刷基层处理防水材料→补强层施工→刷防水涂料。

以上两种方案均能有效控制 彩钢板屋面漏水。具体选择可根据施工面积等因素进行判断。

The slope of color steel sheet roof is generally small, often below 6%. This kind of structure is common in the areas with more rain in central and southern China, with large area of water leakage, light window and roof ridge joint. It is necessary to understand and analyze the structure, leakage point and cause of color steel sheet roof when it is used to treat the leakage water.

Generally speaking, the water leakage of color steel plate roof is mainly caused by self tapping screw, color steel plate lapping, ridge tile, pop rivets, color steel plate deformation caused by people on the roof and rain proof glue falling off of lighting windows and other decorative parts. The corresponding leakage points can be divided into the following points:

1. Water leakage at roof screws and fasteners

This phenomenon mainly occurs in the double-layer color steel plate and the single-layer color steel plate roof. In the construction process, the tapping force is too heavy and light, and the self screw is biased and skewed, etc., which may cause the self tapping rubber gasket to deform, fall off or form concave surface, causing the roof drip water leakage and accumulate through the heat preservation cotton, accumulating more and more, forming multi-point water leakage. In addition, the position of self tapping wire is not right, and the purlin under the color steel plate is missed to form holes directly, which is also one of the important reasons for water leakage. This kind of water leakage may not be obvious in the roof structure of single-layer color steel plate without thermal insulation system, mainly because the rainwater is directly dispersed after leakage through the contact part of steel plate and purlin, and does not necessarily drip rapidly.

2. Water leakage at the joint of color steel plate

The horizontal and vertical lap joints and the lap joints of color steel plates leak. If the tile wave of color steel plate is too low or the rain water is too large to pass the tile wave, it is easy to form a large area of water leakage, and it is not easy to detect the water leakage point. Once formed, it is not easy to repair, which is often seen in the arc roof. The main reasons are that the lap between the two plates is not tight, and the self tapping wire is not full to form a gap, etc.

3. Roof tiles leaking

In the construction of light steel structure roof, water leakage caused by roof ridge tile is also a common phenomenon. In rainy season, especially when there is a large amount of rain, the splash of rain water passes through the joint of two color steel plates at the lower part of the ridge tile, forming a large area of leakage.

After understanding the structure of color steel sheet roof, possible leakage points and causes of water leakage, we will talk about the treatment plan. Based on years of construction experience, two leakage schemes are proposed:

1. Waterproofing of the whole roof

This scheme can make the color steel sheet roof form a whole connected waterproof layer, and self-adhesive membrane is recommended for urban waterproofing. Self adhesive roll is a kind of waterproof and sealing material which can be bonded with the base surface by itself. It can be divided into two types: self adhesive with tire and self adhesive without tire. There are tire self-adhesive upper and lower self-adhesive intermediate clamping tire bases, the upper covering is vinyl film, and the lower covering is peelable silicone oil film. Tire free self-adhesive is composed of self-adhesive, upper vinyl film and lower silicone oil film. The product has self-healing property, that is, when the coil is punctured or embedded with hard objects, it will automatically integrate with these objects, and still can maintain good waterproof performance. See: self adhesive rubber asphalt waterproof roll for product details

2. Waterproof treatment shall be carried out for roof screws and fasteners, color steel plate lap joint and roof ridge tile. The construction process is: cleaning the base course → brushing the base course to treat the waterproof material → construction of additional reinforcement layer → brushing the waterproof coating.

The above two schemes can effectively control the water leakage of color steel sheet roof. The specific selection can be judged according to the construction area and other factors.


