

天物彩板-始于2004 专注功能性高端彩板生产销售
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返回列表 来源: 发布日期: 2019.08.22


唐山天物彩板全国配送——重庆彩涂板价格优惠_重庆彩涂板厂家直销  更多信息请拨打网站上方电话咨询了解



底板采用热镀锌钢带,中间加锌层和锌铁合金涂层,大大提高了耐腐蚀性。是目前国内电镀机组的主要产品。热镀锌是在表面形成致密的锌铁合金涂层,具有较好的防腐效果。除锌的保护作用外,热镀锌 彩涂板表面的有机涂层也起到隔离和防锈的作用,其使用寿命比热镀锌板长。热镀锌基板的锌含量一般为180 g/m2(双面)。外部使用的热镀锌基板的最高锌含量为275 g/m2。热镀锌彩涂板是目前国内应用最广泛的彩涂板产品。它是一种带有镀锌钢带的底板,要求清洁度高,涂层薄。有机涂料固化后的产品为镀锌彩涂板。由于镀锌板的锌层较薄,通常含有20/20g/m2的锌,因此该产品不适用于室外墙体和屋顶的制作。但由于其美观的外观和优良的加工性能,主要用于家用电器、音响、钢制家具、室内装饰等。


Colour coated plate substrates usually use cold rolled steel strips, galvanized steel strips (galvanized and hot galvanized), aluminium steel strips, hot galvanized aluminium alloy steel strips, hot galvanized aluminium alloy steel strips, tin plated steel strips, chromium plated steel strips, etc.

The cold-rolled steel strip can save the cost of intermediate coating. It has a smooth and beautiful appearance in the early stage, and has the processability of cold-rolled steel strip. However, any minor scratches in the surface coating will expose the cold-rolled steel strip to air, which will quickly produce red rust on the exposed iron. Therefore, these products can only be used for temporary isolation measures with low requirements and as indoor materials. Because of its poor corrosion resistance, it has been basically washed out.

Hot-dip galvanized steel strip is used on the base plate, and zinc layer and zinc-iron alloy coating are added in the middle, which greatly improves the corrosion resistance. It is the main product of domestic plating units at present. Hot-dip galvanizing is the formation of a compact zinc-iron alloy coating on the surface, which has better anti-corrosion effect. In addition to the protective effect of zinc, the organic coating on the surface of hot-dip galvanized color coated sheet also plays the role of isolation and protection against rust, and its service life is longer than that of hot-dip galvanized sheet. The zinc content of hot-dip galvanized substrates is generally 180 g/m2 (double sided). The highest zinc content of hot-dip galvanized substrates for external use is 275 g/m2. Hot-dip galvanized color coated sheets are the most widely used color coated products in China at present. It is a base plate with galvanized steel strip, which requires high cleanliness and thin coating. The product cured with organic paint is galvanized color coated sheet. Because the zinc layer of galvanized sheet is thin and usually contains 20/20g/m2 of zinc, the product is not suitable for outdoor wall and roof fabrication. But because of its beautiful appearance and excellent processing performance, it can be mainly used in household appliances, audio, steel furniture, interior decoration and so on.

Hot-dip galvanized aluminium alloy steel strip or hot-dip aluminium-zinc alloy steel strip is used on the substrate. Compared with pure galvanized steel strip, the chemical properties of the alloy coating are relatively stable, so the corrosion resistance is different. Tests under the same outdoor conditions show that the service life of aluminized galvanized sheet (strip) is more than four times that of galvanized sheet (strip). Hot-dipped aluminized galvanized sheet (strip) is used as color-coated substrate. The contents of gamble and aluminium are usually 55% Al-Zn and 5% Al-Zn.


