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返回列表 来源: 发布日期: 2020.04.07





First of all, we need to know what is zinc flower, which is the crystal pattern of coating metal on the surface of hot-dip coating of steel plate during solidification. After understanding what is the color coated plate zinc flower, enter the main topic of this paper, this paper mainly discusses the formation of zinc flower, let's get to know.

1. Water spray: when the pure zinc solution on the surface of zinc coating solidifies, the nucleation is caused by water mist (water and steam or mixture of water and air). The non solidified liquid zinc diffuses to form zinc flower.
Color coated sheet
2. Surface blow molding method: when the pure zinc layer on the color galvanized sheet is to be solidified, if the zinc crystal can make the surface grow smoothly through steam flow or sulfur dioxide flow, large patterns can be obtained. The method can also form high density air oxidation film and improve the corrosion resistance of zinc coating.
3. Wire mesh method: this method is only applicable to galvanized steel plate. It is used to contact the steel wire mesh with the surface of zinc layer and magnetic roller to achieve this purpose. Because the contact part of the steel mesh node first cools, the solid particles in the node first form crystal nucleus. Another kind of non solidified zinc liquid, namely, the crystal nucleus begins to expand outward to form zinc flower.
The production of zinc flower is related to the quality of finished products. Many factors should be taken into consideration when making large-scale zinc flowers on the printed color coated paper.

