

天物彩板-始于2004 专注功能性高端彩板生产销售
服务热线: 400-060-9166
服务热线: 13931586578


返回列表 来源: 发布日期: 2019.10.30



不同类型的面漆硬度、柔韧性、附着力和耐久性不同。聚酯是应用最广泛的涂料,具有优异的耐久性、优异的硬度和耐久性,且价格适中。 彩涂板硅改性聚酯具有较高的耐用性、光泽和保色性,但耐用性略有下降,耐候性高的聚酯具有较高的性价比。

The adhesion, corrosion resistance and corrosion resistance of different primers are different. Epoxy resin has excellent adhesion and corrosion resistance to substrate, but its corrosion resistance is not as good as other primers. Polyester has excellent adhesion and corrosion resistance to substrate, but its corrosion resistance is not as good as epoxy resin.

Polyurethane is an excellent induction primer. The primer is usually selected by the supplier according to the production process, application, corrosion environment and matching relationship with the topcoat. Corrosion resistance usually increases with the increase of coating thickness. The coating thickness shall be determined based on corrosion, service life and environmental durability.
Different types of topcoats differ in hardness, flexibility, adhesion and durability. Polyester is the most widely used coating, with excellent durability, excellent hardness and durability, and moderate price. Silicon modified polyester has high durability, luster and color retention, but its durability is slightly reduced, and high weather resistant polyester has high cost performance.
Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) has excellent durability and durability, but its hardness is low, it can be obtained with several colors and high price. The finishing coat of color coated plate is mainly affected by coating, environmental corrosion, service life, durability, processing method and deformation degree.

