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返回列表 来源: 发布日期: 2019.07.16




我们知道,钢铁工业仍然面临着许多困难和问题。主要表现是淘汰过剩产能初见成效,但今年 彩涂板厂家的任务更为艰巨,特别是淘汰产能和打压“地板钢”。

此外,马国强表示,融资难、融资贵的问题还没有从根本上解决。”切断贷款和发放贷款加剧了生产经营困难;原材料价格的大幅上涨仍然严重挤压行业利润率,整个行业仍处于低利润经营状态;目前, 彩涂板厂家会员平均资产负债率钢铁企业高企,迫切需要降低杠杆来促进发展。”因此,整个行业不应盲目乐观。

马国强表示,中央政府已明确淘汰落后产能,特别是彻底清理“地板钢卷”作为今年产能工作的重要组成部分。国务院还将组织对钢铁等行业落后产能的专项检查和清理,对创造公平的 彩涂板厂家市场环境,充分发挥先进产能的作用具有重要意义。

带钢一般以废钢为原料,在生产过程中不能有效地控制产品的成分和质量。带钢的主要 彩涂板厂家是工频炉和中频炉,目前被列为非法和非法生产能力。


Today, our small edition of the new material of Qianye, a color coated plate manufacturer, brings a news to you. Our country has always encouraged the production of iron and steel. Iron and steel is the framework of our industry. However, due to excessive production, a lot of waste steel has been re-melted and cast to produce "floor steel". However, the diameter of floor steel products, etc. Tensile strength and so on are difficult to meet the national standards. Most products have brittle fracture, and there are serious hidden dangers in quality. Therefore, the state has ordered a thorough clean-up, what is the specific matter, we color coated plate manufacturers take you to have a look.

Ma Guoqiang, chairman of China Iron and Steel Association and chairman of Zhonghuang Baowu Iron and Steel Group, said at the 2017 Board of Directors (Expanded) meeting of China Iron and Steel Industry Association on January 10 that although the steel industry has turned into profit, it has only stepped out of the trough, and has not completely stepped out of the predicament.

In 2016, the member enterprises of China Steel Association reversed the disadvantageous situation of deep loss in the whole industry in 2015. Since March 2016, it has been profitable for a long time. In May, it made a profit of 8.52 billion yuan, reaching the highest monthly profit in the whole year. In the first month of 2016, the total profit was 3.150 billion yuan, and the loss was 52.9 billion yuan in the same period last year.

"More than 8 billion yuan will be added or subtracted, which is a great achievement." Ma Guoqiang said.

We know that the steel industry is still facing many difficulties and problems. The main manifestation is that initial results have been achieved in eliminating excess capacity, but this year's task is more arduous, especially in eliminating production capacity and cracking down on "floor steel".

In addition, Ma Guoqiang said that the problem of financing difficulty and expensive financing has not been fundamentally solved. "Cutting off loans and drawing loans intensifies production and operation difficulties; the sharp rise in raw material prices still seriously squeezes the profit margin of the industry, and the whole industry is still in a low-profit operation; at present, the average asset-liability ratio of member iron and steel enterprises is high, and there is an urgent need to reduce leverage to promote development." Therefore, the whole industry should not be blindly optimistic.

Ma Guoqiang said that the central government has made it clear that eliminating backward production capacity, especially thoroughly cleaning up the "floor steel coil" as an important part of this year's production capacity work. The State Council will also organize special inspection and clearance of backward production capacity in steel and other industries, which is of great significance for creating a fair market environment and giving full play to the role of advanced production capacity.

Strip steel generally uses scrap as raw material, and can not effectively control the composition and quality of products in the production process. The main producers of strip steel are power frequency furnace and medium frequency furnace, which are currently classified as illegal and illegal production capacity.

There are serious potential safety hazards in "floor steel". It is a good thing for the state to order rectification. We must strictly abide by them. If you need, you are welcome to find our color coated sheet manufacturer Qianye new materials.。


