

天物彩板-始于2004 专注功能性高端彩板生产销售
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返回列表 来源: 发布日期: 2019.12.06





③墙体保温层:玻璃纤维保温层。厚度:50-100 mm;
⑤次檩条为C型120×60×20×2.0 mm镀锌钢;
目前,它在我国也得到了广泛的应用,如体育场馆、展览中心、机场、车站等大型标志性建筑。广泛应用于机场航站楼、机务仓库、车站及大型交通枢纽、会议展览中心、体育场馆、展览馆、大型公共娱乐设施、公共服务建筑、大型购物中心、商业设施、民用住宅建筑等,比兰天能等可根据客户需求现场加工,可生产普通版镀锌彩涂钢板屋面系统,如直板、扇形板、弧形弯板等,满足各种建筑造型的需要。 镀锌彩涂钢板的腐蚀速率是有规律的:先快后慢;沿海环境潮湿,速度较快,重工业比山区和农村高出许多倍;没有防锈层和室外空气会增加腐蚀程度,而镀锌彩涂钢板的防腐性能设计和使用是下一步改进的重点。
It is clear to all colleagues that galvanized color coated steel plate is mainly divided into high vertical edge and low vertical edge (this is the same as that of floor bearing plate which is divided into opening and closing). High vertical edge and low vertical edge are just some names in the industry. Their scientific names should be vertical single lock edge and vertical double lock edge, with rib height of 65mm and 25mm respectively, and common models of 400 and 430. In modern architecture, these two kinds of aluminum magnesium manganese alloy plates are also widely used. Let's talk about the main differences between them.
First, water resistance: in terms of water resistance, the high vertical galvanized color coated steel plate has more advantages, which is determined by the rib height, and it is more difficult for the high vertical edge to occlude rainwater into it.
2. Aesthetic degree: from the outside, the galvanized color coated steel plate with short vertical edge is more beautiful than that with high vertical edge.
3. Purpose: under normal circumstances, both of them are used for roofing, but in the absence of special requirements, there are more low rise side aluminum magnesium manganese roof panels for private villas, and more high rise side galvanized color coated steel plates for gymnasiums.
(2) in order to avoid fan-shaped or scattered roof slab due to improper construction or uneven lower edge of roof, check whether the roof slab is aligned properly at any time when placing the roof slab, and measure whether the distance from the edge of the upper and lower ends of the roof slab to the gutter is equal at any time to avoid inclination of the roof slab.
(3) immediately after installation, remove the metal debris left on the roof, such as water shrouding debris, rivet rod, waste fasteners, etc., because these metal debris will cause the corrosion of the roof panel.
① panel: domestic aluminum magnesium manganese fluorocarbon alloy plate is used, which is transported to the site in the form of aluminum coil, and the plate is pressed on the site. The plate type is 0.9mm thick 65-430
② base plate: 900 type galvanized profiled steel plate is used, with thickness of 0.5mm. Factory production, composite stacking and transportation of finished plates to the site, on-site installation;
③ wall insulation layer: glass fiber insulation layer. Thickness: 50mm-100mm;
④ roof sound-absorbing layer: glass fiber insulation layer. Thickness: 50mm;
⑤ the secondary purlin is C-type 120 × 60 × 20 × 2.0mm galvanized steel;
At present, it has also been widely used in China, such as the stadium, exhibition center, airport, station and other large-scale landmark buildings. It is widely used in airport terminal, aircraft maintenance warehouse, station and large-scale transportation hub, conference and Exhibition Center, stadium, exhibition hall, large-scale public entertainment facilities, public service buildings, large-scale shopping center, commercial facilities, civil residential buildings, etc. Bilan Tianneng can process on-site according to the needs of customers, and can produce the common version of galvanized color coated steel sheet roof system, such as straight strip, fan-shaped plate, arc bending plate, etc., to meet the needs of various architectural modeling. The corrosion rate of galvanized color coated steel plate is regular: fast first, then slow; the coastal environment is humid, so the speed is faster, and the heavy industry is many times higher than that of mountainous areas and rural areas; no antirust layer and outdoor air will increase the corrosion degree, and the anti-corrosion performance of galvanized color coated steel plate design and use is the key point of the next improvement.

