

天物彩板-始于2004 专注功能性高端彩板生产销售
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返回列表 来源: 发布日期: 2019.09.19


唐山天物彩板专注彩板16年——邵阳彩涂卷全新报价_邵阳彩涂卷规格齐全   更多信息请拨打网站上方电话咨询了解












Although the contents of the operating procedures are different from those of the technical procedures, they can also be divided into cover and home page, catalogue, body and supplement parts, among which the cover, catalogue and supplement parts have different emphasis. From the production practice of color coated sheet, the order of preparation of the usual production operation rules is also carried out according to the sequence of process flow from the population of the production line to the export, with each section or equipment as a unit. If the color coating machine can produce embossing board, printing board and laminate besides coating board, it can be compiled according to different kinds of production. Some common parts, such as tension device, preliminary finishing roller coating machine and equipment with the same structure among cleaning sections, can only embody documents. Number.

Operational procedures for the production of general color coated sheets shall consist of the following parts:

(1) Brief introduction of production process.

(2) Name of operation post or method. Noodles

(3) Number, issuing department and effective date.

(4) Production (or management) departments, products, posts and scope of application.

(5) Equipment operation steps (or working methods) and procedures.

(6) The names and specifications of the original and auxiliary materials shall be adopted.

(7) The name, specifications and dosage of the appliances used.

(8) Number of operators.

When compiling, we must pay attention to: give a proper and appropriate name for the process operation to be carried out, specify the purpose to be achieved and the responsibilities of the operation, and work procedures should be streamlined in sequence, and specify who should do the work, what the content of the work, the criteria to be achieved, how to achieve and who should do the work. To monitor and so on.


