

天物彩板-始于2004 专注功能性高端彩板生产销售
服务热线: 400-060-9166
服务热线: 13931586578


返回列表 来源: 发布日期: 2019.09.27



  (3) 彩涂板对各种循环风机,当介质温度低于250℃以下时,一般可不采取紧急措施;当介质温度高于250℃以下时,最好采取手工盘车的方式,使风机叶轮转动,以避免风机轴因长期高温状态下承受单向弯矩而弯曲,影响动平衡,直到介质温度低于250℃以下时,方可停止手工盘车操作。
  (7)对 彩涂板焚烧炉燃烧机,也应像固化炉燃烧机一样,关掉煤气入口门。另外,当焚烧炉的炉压为正时,应迅速打开焚烧炉炉门和燃烧机与焚烧炉之间的安装螺栓,拉动燃烧机内部将控制线路烧坏。操作时应特别注意避开从燃烧机安装口喷出的高温炉气,以避免烧伤。

In the production process, if there is a sudden power cut, the key thermal equipment of color coated sheet should take different measures according to their respective working characteristics, as follows:

(1) If the power is cut off for a long time, the doors of the color coated plate solidifying furnace and incinerator can be opened, so that the temperature of the furnace can be rapidly lowered and the damage of the circulating fan and the exhaust fan can be avoided due to the long time stopping at high temperature.
(2) All kinds of open fires should be avoided from approaching the furnace area in order to avoid explosion danger.
(3) For all kinds of circulating fans, when the medium temperature is lower than 250 C, emergency measures are generally not taken; when the medium temperature is higher than 250 C, it is better to take manual turning mode to make the fan impeller rotate, so as to avoid the fan shaft bending due to the long-term high temperature, affecting the dynamic balance until the medium. When the temperature is below 250 C, the manual turning operation can be stopped.
(4) For exhaust fan, because the temperature of exhaust gas is generally about 250 C, emergency measures can not be taken. If the temperature of exhaust gas exceeds 250 C, manual turning should be adopted to avoid fan damage. For the fresh air blower, because the working temperature is normal, no emergency measures can be taken.
(5) For the exhaust fan of the burner, the flue gate should be cut off urgently to avoid damage caused by high temperature flue gas entering the exhaust fan of the burner. If the flue gas temperature has exceeded 250 C at this time, it is necessary to adopt manual winding to avoid fan damage.
(6) Gas will be cut off automatically for burners in different areas of color coated plate solidification furnace due to the chain protection function of burners, but in order to insure, the gas inlet valves of color coated plate burners in different areas need to be closed and the gas supply completely cut off.
(7) For the burner of the color coated plate incinerator, the gas entrance door should also be shut down like the burner of the curing furnace. In addition, when the pressure of the incinerator is positive, the bolt between the door of the incinerator and the burner and the incinerator should be opened quickly to pull the internal control circuit of the burner to burn out. During operation, special attention should be paid to avoiding the high temperature furnace gas ejected from the burner mounting port in order to avoid burns.

