

天物彩板-始于2004 专注功能性高端彩板生产销售
服务热线: 400-060-9166
服务热线: 13931586578


返回列表 来源: 发布日期: 2020.11.04


1 覆膜彩色涂层钢板的外观非常美观,而且颜色多样,可以定做生产,规格型号。
2 覆膜彩色涂层钢板的重量虽然不是很重,但很牢固,而且不易损坏,具有良好的绝缘性能。


With the improvement of people's safety awareness, the requirements for residential safety are higher and higher. Therefore, more and more construction projects use coated steel plate. In our daily life, we are no longer unfamiliar with the coated steel plate. When we construct the construction site, we often see all kinds of profiled tiles listed one by one, which are waiting to be used, You usually see coated steel plate. Do you know why it is so widely used? Let's talk about the four reasons

1. The appearance of coated steel plate is very beautiful, and the color diversity, can be customized production, specifications and models.
2. Although the weight of the coated steel plate is not very heavy, but very strong, and not easy to damage, with good insulation performance.
3. The use of coated steel plate, no longer need to its secondary decoration, simple and convenient. It can be used repeatedly, and the cost is saved to a certain extent.
4. Different construction sites have different color and quality requirements for the specifications and models of coated steel plates. Different sizes can e customized according to their own needs
Different colors, different types of coated steel plate, hardness, waterproof, not afraid of moisture, from the above can be seen, is widely used, is very good.

