

天物彩板-始于2004 专注功能性高端彩板生产销售
服务热线: 400-060-9166
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返回列表 来源: 发布日期: 2019.09.09


彩钢板优点 :彩钢板是由冷轧板和镀锌板连续生产而成的一种钢板。经表面预处理和滚涂后,再涂一层或多层液体涂料。彩涂钢板表面涂有有机涂层。它有美丽的外观和灿烂的色彩。它具有强度高、耐腐蚀性好、加工成型方便等优点,还可以为用户降低成本和减少污染。

彩钢板优点 : 自1935年美国建成第一条连续涂层钢板生产线以来,彩色涂层钢板得到了广泛的应用。目前,彩色涂层钢板种类繁多,彩色涂层钢板约600种。有机聚合物和钢板具有着色、成型、耐腐蚀、装饰性好、强度高、易加工等优点。它们可以通过冲压、弯曲和深洗进行加工。这使得有机涂层钢产品具有优良的实用性、装饰性、加工性和耐久性。彩钢板厚度在50-250 mm之间,宽度在1150-1200 mm之间。由于是连续成形,其长度可根据不同需要确定。一般来说,彩钢夹芯板一般采用带入口的插入式夹芯板。具有安装方便、省时、省料、平整度好、强度高等优点。特别适用于吊顶和隔断系统。芯材性能:a、聚苯乙烯容重:>15kg/m3导热系数<0.036w/m.k高温:约100c。

彩钢板优点 : 在建筑工地,材料越轻,安装就越容易。和彩钢板一样,彩钢板比砖墙越来越轻。虽然它重量轻,但并不意味着它的性能差。它具有良好的隔热性能和良好的导热性。如果我们需要彩钢板作为一些承重钢板,那么它的强度也很好,既抗弯又抗压。

The color coated steel plate is a kind of plate which is made of cold rolled strip and galvanized strip on continuous line. After surface pretreatment and roll coating, it is coated with one or more layers of liquid coatings. The color coated steel plate in Tianjin is coated with an organic coating on the surface of steel. It has beautiful appearance and brilliant color. It has the advantages of high strength, good corrosion resistance, convenient processing and forming, and can also reduce costs and pollution for users.

Since the first continuous coated steel sheet production line was built in 1935 in the United States, color coated steel sheets have been widely used. At present, there are many kinds of color-coated steel sheets, about 600 kinds of color-coated steel sheets. Organic polymers and steel sheets have the advantages of coloring, forming, corrosion resistance, good decoration, high strength and easy processing. They can be processed by stamping, bending and deep washing. This makes the organic coated steel products have excellent practicability, decoration, processability and durability. The thickness of color steel plate is between 50-250mm and the width is between 1150-1200 mm. Because it is continuous forming, its length can be determined according to different needs. Generally speaking, the color steel sandwich panel usually adopts the insertion sandwich panel with the entrance. It has the advantages of convenient installation, time saving, material saving, good smoothness and high strength. It is especially suitable for ceiling and partition system. Core properties: a, polystyrene bulk density: > 15 kg/m3 thermal conductivity < 0.036 W/m. K high working temperature: about 100 C.

In construction sites, the lighter the material, the easier the installation. Like the color steel plate, the color steel plate is lighter and lighter than the brick wall. Although it is light in weight, it does not mean that its performance is poor. It has good thermal insulation performance and good thermal conductivity. If we need color steel plate as some load-bearing steel plate, then its strength is also very good, both bending resistance and pressure resistance.

