

天物彩板-始于2004 专注功能性高端彩板生产销售
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返回列表 来源: 发布日期: 2021.06.28



45.天物彩板行情 (3)
有人认为,保温铝皮热盘管包装时,周围高温空气凝结形成水滴,造成腐蚀。为了证明这个猜想,一卷温度为60℃的铝箔℃ 用塑料布包裹,放置7天,检查无腐蚀,无水滴。包装2个月后,未发现任何腐蚀,证明热轧辊不会造成铝箔腐蚀。
压缩空气中有水。保温铝皮压缩空气后,会有水沉淀。空气干燥器的排水不干净,空气辊清洁器会喷出水滴。这些大量的水会造成铝箔表面的腐蚀。我们做了一个实验:在切割过程中,用压缩空气浸刷产生的水(pH=4.6)在铝箔表面滚轧,然后进行退火。结果表明,腐蚀发生在第二天,呈白斑状,呈弯曲状。端面和距端面50 mm的表面无腐蚀。在车间工作6个月后,腐蚀没有进一步发展。试验表明,压缩空气中的水会引起铝箔的腐蚀,但只会引起白点腐蚀,而不会引起条带腐蚀。

In case of water during thick shearing, the trench of thick shearing sometimes leaks and accumulates water, which may cause corrosion when aluminum foil contacts with water during shearing. But in fact, the trench leakage is a mixture of water, hydraulic oil, engine oil and so on. Because the oil is light and water is heavy, the aluminum foil first contacts with the oil, which forms a large area of oil spots rather than corrosion spots after annealing. In 1993, although many measures were taken to prevent leakage, the return volume of corrosion products still reached 174T. Obviously, this is not the reason.

Some people think that when hot coil packaging, the surrounding high temperature air condenses and forms water droplets, causing corrosion. In order to prove this conjecture, a roll of aluminum foil with a temperature of 60 ℃ was wrapped up with plastic cloth and placed for 7 days to check that there was no corrosion and no water droplets. After 2 months of packing, no corrosion was found, which proved that the hot roll would not cause corrosion of aluminum foil.
There is water in the compressed air. After the air is compressed, there is water precipitation. The water discharge of the air dryer is not clean, and there will be water droplets ejecting from the air roller cleaner. These large amounts of water will cause corrosion on the surface of aluminum foil. We made an experiment: during slitting, the water (pH = 4.6) produced by dipping the brush with compressed air was rolled on the surface of aluminum foil and then annealed. The results showed that the corrosion occurred the next day, which was white spot like and bent. There was no corrosion on the end face and the surface 50 mm away from the end face. After 6 months in the workshop, the corrosion did not develop further. The test shows that water in compressed air can cause aluminum foil corrosion, but only white spot corrosion, not strip and strip corrosion.

