

天物彩板-始于2004 专注功能性高端彩板生产销售
服务热线: 400-060-9166
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返回列表 来源: 发布日期: 2020.05.26




1、 岩棉彩钢板特点1。刚度好:由于岩棉芯材与两层钢板整体粘结,共同工作,顶板表面呈波浪状和压型,其整体刚度远优于压型钢板中岩棉(玻璃纤维棉)现场复合板。夹芯板通过连接件与檩条固定后,大大提高了屋面的整体刚度,增强了屋面的整体工作性能。2。合理的连接方式:岩棉屋面板采用连接方式,避免了屋面板接缝漏水的隐患,节省了配件的消耗。三。固定方法牢固合理:岩棉屋面板采用专用M6自攻螺钉和檩条固定,能有效抵抗台风等外力。在屋面板上表面顶部位置设置自攻螺钉,采用特殊防水结构,避免防水薄弱点。四。安装周期短:岩棉夹芯板由于不需要现场二次加工,不仅能保持周围环境整洁,不影响其他工序的正常运行,而且大大缩短了面板的安装周期。岩棉夹芯板日均安装面积600-800㎡。5个。防划伤保护:岩棉夹芯板生产过程中,可在表面粘贴聚乙烯胶粘保护膜,防止钢板表面涂层在运输和安装过程中划伤或磨损。贵州彩钢板二。岩棉彩钢板的优点1。优良的防火性能:岩棉夹芯板的原材料、生产工艺及配方,使其具有良好的防火性能。2。良好的保温隔热性能:岩棉夹芯板的保温隔热性能是根据岩棉的导热系数=0.043w/m.K,岩棉芯材厚度按相应比例计算的。三。吸声隔热效果显著:隔声:岩棉夹芯板对噪声传播有显著的降低效果,特别适用于指定航班的场所。此外,采用岩棉屋面板后,雨雹对建筑物屋顶钢板的影响会引起室内噪声,室内噪声也明显减弱。岩棉夹芯板充分发挥岩棉芯材的独特性能,在防火、隔热、吸声、隔音等方面具有显著效果。贵州彩钢板波纹板又称压型钢板。采用彩涂钢板、镀锌板等金属板轧制、冷弯成各种波形压型钢板。适用于工业及民用建筑、仓库、特种建筑、屋顶、墙体及大跨度钢结构建筑的内外墙装饰。具有重量轻、强度高、色彩丰富、施工方便快捷、抗震、防火、防雨、使用寿命长、免维护等特点。它已被广泛使用。

1、 Features of rock wool color steel plate 1. Good rigidity: because rock wool core material and two layers of steel plate are bonded as a whole, and work together, and the roof panel surface is wavy and profiled, its overall rigidity is far better than the field composite plate with rock wool (fiberglass wool) in the profiled plate. After the sandwich panel is fixed with the purlin through the connector, the overall rigidity of the roof is greatly improved, and the overall working performance of the roof is strengthened. 2. Reasonable connection mode: the rock wool roof panel adopts the connection mode, avoiding the hidden danger of water leakage in the roof panel joint, and saving the consumption of accessories. 3. Fixation method is firm and reasonable: rock wool roof panel is fixed with special M6 self tapping screw and purlin, which can effectively resist the external force such as typhoon. The self tapping screw is set at the crest position of the upper surface of the roof panel, and the special waterproof structure is adopted to avoid the weak point of waterproof. 4. Short installation period: the rock wool sandwich panel, as there is no need for secondary processing on site, can not only keep the surrounding environment clean and tidy, not affect the normal operation of other processes, but also greatly shorten the installation period of the panel. The daily average installation area of the rock wool sandwich panel is 600-800 ㎡. 5. Anti scratch protection: during the production of rock wool sandwich panel, polyethylene adhesive protective film can be pasted on the surface to avoid scratches or abrasion of the steel plate surface coating during transportation and installation. Guizhou color steel plate II. Advantages of rock wool color steel plate 1. Excellent fire performance: raw materials, production process and formula used for rock wool sandwich plate, which makes it have good fire performance. 2. Good heat preservation and insulation: the heat preservation and insulation performance of rock wool sandwich board is calculated based on the thermal conductivity coefficient of rock wool = 0.043w/m. K and the thickness of rock wool core material in corresponding proportion. 3. Remarkable sound absorption and heat insulation effect: sound insulation: rock wool sandwich board has a significant reduction effect on noise transmission, especially suitable for places with designated flights. In addition, after the rock wool roof panel is adopted, the impact of rain and hail on the roof steel plate of the building will cause indoor noise, which is also obviously weakened. Rock wool sandwich board gives full play to the unique performance of rock wool core material, and has significant effect on fire prevention, heat insulation, sound absorption and sound insulation. Guizhou color steel plate corrugated plate is also called profiled plate. It uses color coated steel plate, galvanized plate and other metal plates to roll and cold bend into various wave shaped profiled plates. It is suitable for industrial and civil buildings, warehouses, special buildings, roofs, walls and interior and exterior wall decoration of large-span steel structure buildings. It has the characteristics of light weight, high strength, rich color, convenient and fast construction, earthquake resistance, fire prevention, rain protection, long service life, maintenance free and so on. It has been widely used.

