

天物彩板-始于2004 专注功能性高端彩板生产销售
服务热线: 400-060-9166
服务热线: 13931586578


返回列表 来源: 发布日期: 2021.01.14


1、 彩钢板房屋上表面必须电抛光,不得有灰尘、油污、污染和锈蚀;油漆前必须用干布将灰尘擦干净。
2、 彩钢板房屋油漆应分为底漆和面漆,即防腐底漆和面漆。防腐底漆一般不少于两道。油漆时应避免雨天和大风天气。夏天应该避免。涂装温度应高于5℃,不高于35℃。油漆应连续进行,以避免底部暴露。

tu (33)
施工环境A.施工环境温度应为-1530℃,相对湿度不应大于80%。当施工环境温度低于10℃时,应采取采暖措施。b、 防腐施工前,应根据施工环境温度、湿度、原材料及工作特点,在大规模施工前,通过试验选择合适的施工配合比和施工操作方法。c、 在施工和维护期间,应采取防水、防火、隔热等措施。d、 防腐工程施工时,不得与其他工种交叉施工。

The colored steel tile roof of many workshops is corroded, which means that it will face water leakage or other unexpected situations at any time. In order to avoid this situation, we should take protective measures in advance!

1、 The upper surface of the base color steel plate must be electrically polished without dust, greasy, pollution and rust; the dust must be cleaned with dry cloth before painting.
2、 The painting should be divided into primer and topcoat, i.e. anti-corrosion primer and topcoat. Generally, there should be no less than two coats of anti-corrosion primer. Rainy weather and windy weather should be avoided during painting. Summer should be avoided. The painting temperature should be higher than 5 ℃ and not higher than 35 ℃. The painting should be continuous to avoid bottom exposure.
Main construction methods
Construction environment A. construction environment temperature should be - 1530 ℃, relative humidity should not be greater than 80%. When the construction environment temperature is lower than 10 ℃, heating measures should be taken. b. Before anti-corrosion construction, according to the construction environment temperature, humidity, raw materials and working characteristics, the suitable construction mix proportion and construction operation method should be selected through test before large-scale construction. c. During the construction and maintenance period, measures such as waterproof, fireproof and insolation shall be taken. d. When carrying out anti-corrosion engineering construction, it is not allowed to carry out cross construction with other types of work.
Basic treatment
Firstly, clean the dust on the surface of the color steel tile, and then use the electric grinder or wire brush, emery cloth to clean the rust and oxide on the metal surface, and then use cotton yarn or rags to clean the floating dust on the metal surface. Where the rust is serious, the iron hammer can be used to knock it to shake off the thick rust. In case of oil contamination, gasoline or diluent shall be used for scrubbing and derusting. Special attention shall be paid to the derusting of bolt connection and weld joint. The derusting level shall reach ST2, showing the metallic luster completely
4.3 painting construction: one bottom and two sides 4.3.1 before painting, the treated surface shall be cleaned to remove dust and sundries. After inspection, the concealed construction shall be filled in, and the painting can be carried out after signing.

