

天物彩板-始于2004 专注功能性高端彩板生产销售
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返回列表 来源: 发布日期: 2020.12.29


现阶段,彩钢板贸易商期货市场螺纹钢价格已出现破位,彩钢龙头企业纷纷补跌,彩钢板贸易商普遍悲观,库存意愿降至冰点,需求进一步减弱,所以后期市场走势仍令人担忧。主要因素有:华北地区钢材供应趋缓,西北地区钢材供应增加;华东、华南、西南地区钢厂相继下调出厂价格,螺纹钢期货新低放大了市场看跌情绪,而低库存经营已成为企业的共识。本周钢材价格走势如何?除了传统的东北资源外,还有华北、华东地区的 彩钢板贸易商产品进入仓库。彩钢板贸易商但上海“进博会”短暂释放后,区域需求迅速萎缩,库存和销量呈现“一增一减”的态势。从仓库发回的信息来看,随着气温的下降,更多的东北厂家会将资源投入华东地区,但江苏、安徽等地的钢厂为了争夺市场份额,不会减少发货量,因此对于上海市场来说,后期供需矛盾可能进一步加剧。目前,与2018年以来最高点相比,累计降幅为640元。

35.硅改彩板天物价格 (4)


At the present stage, the price of rebar has broken in the futures market, the leading manufacturers of color coated coil have made up for the drop one after another, the traders are generally pessimistic, the willingness to stock has dropped to the freezing point, and the demand has further weakened, so the market trend in the later stage is still worrying. The main factors are: the supply of steel in North China is slowing down, and the supply of steel in Northwest China is increasing; Steel mills in East China, South China and southwest China have lowered their ex factory prices one after another, while the new low of rebar futures has magnified the bearish sentiment in the market, and low inventory operation has become the consensus of businesses. What's the trend of steel price this week? In addition to the Traditional Northeast resources, there are also products from North China and East China entering the warehouse. However, after the short release of "entering the Expo" in Shanghai, the regional demand shrinks rapidly, so the inventory and sales volume show a trend of "one increase and one decrease". According to the information sent back from the warehouse, with the decrease of temperature, more northeast manufacturers will put resources into East China; however, in order to compete for market share, steel mills in Jiangsu, Anhui and other places will not reduce the quantity of goods delivered; therefore, for the Shanghai market, the contradiction between supply and demand in the later stage may further intensify. At present, compared with the highest point since 2018, the cumulative decline is 640 yuan. Although the high price risk has been released to a certain extent, we should also see that the market price of resource exporting places such as North China is lower, and Shandong, Anhui, Jiangxi, Fujian and other places in East China are still making up for the decline. Both vertically and horizontally, the steel index is still at a high level, and the decline space is further opened. Today, the domestic steel market fell significantly narrowed. After the baptism of Black Monday in the capital market, the bad news in the greenhouse pipe market seems to have been gradually released, and the phase steel also launched a strong rebound later. At the same time, Lange electronic coil high-speed wire rod and long-term hot-rolled plate have also staged a significant upward trend, thus driving the spot steel market popularity, steel traders' killing down means gradually stop, and the rising area of finished product market has become more obvious recently, which has spread today after a small rise yesterday. The sensitive areas of construction steel, color steel coil and medium and heavy plate varieties are now rising. The price of upstream billet is also rising slightly in midday, and the follow-up operation in the second tier cities has begun to move.

