

天物彩板-始于2004 专注功能性高端彩板生产销售
服务热线: 400-060-9166
服务热线: 13931586578


返回列表 来源: 发布日期: 2021.10.10





8) 彩涂磨辊工分度头的构造、传动和各种分度的计算方法。:重审海类在就节9)磨工有关应用数学的计算知识。 我因,解
10) 彩涂磨辊工橡胶辊磨削加工余量的知识及对工件加工质量的影响。11)电气的一般知识。

6)磨细长轴(直径与长度之比在1:10 以上)精度 1T6,粗糙度0.8。7)磨小而长的孔、阶梯孔、不通孔,精度 IT6,粗糙度0.8。8)执行安全技术规程。

Color coating roller grinding workers should know:

1) The performance, structure, transmission system, lubrication system, use and maintenance methods of cylindrical grinder. 2) Type, brand, specification, performance, usage, use and maintenance of grinding wheel commonly used for grinding rubber roller 3) knowledge of manufacturing and ingredients of grinding wheel and methods to prevent cracks of grinding wheel. 4) Use the knowledge of mechanical properties, grinding properties and expansion and contraction. 5) Common tools, clamps, measuring tools use and maintenance methods. 6) Basic knowledge of mechanical drawing.

Seven kinds of knowledge.

8) The structure, transmission and calculation method of various graduations of color coating roller dividing head Review the calculation knowledge about Applied Mathematics of the grinder in Section 9. I'm sorry, I'm sorry

10) Knowledge of grinding allowance of rubber roller and its influence on workpiece quality. 11) General knowledge of electrical.

12) General knowledge of grinder safety. Self use (2) should:

1) Operate and maintain the grinder or roller lathe correctly, and adjust the accuracy. Use and maintain all kinds of common tools, fixtures and precision universal measuring tools. 3) Selection, correction (including simple forming wheel) and device balance of common grinding wheel. Understand the general part drawing and implement the process specification correctly. 5) Basic operation method of fitter.

6) The grinding precision of long shaft (the ratio of diameter to length is above 1:10) is 1t6, and the roughness is 0.8. 7) Grinding small and long holes, stepped holes and blind holes, with accuracy of IT6 and roughness of 0.8. 8) Implement safety technical regulations.

