

天物彩板-始于2004 专注功能性高端彩板生产销售
服务热线: 400-060-9166
服务热线: 13931586578


返回列表 来源: 发布日期: 2020.07.15





There are always some people who are fond of inferior color steel coils and do not want to have a real understanding of the negative effects. They are only diluted by the interests in front of them. It's not just the interests that bind you, but the pressure from the market shock.

1. Wide coverage of low-end character
Many people take price as the first consideration when purchasing demand, and ignore its reliability in the face of the temptation of low price. It makes a large number of unqualified products flow into the market and impacts high-quality plates with quantity, so that the sales quota of qualified high-quality plates has no room to increase, especially in the areas below the municipal level, which is the reason why the plate replacement times are the most in the areas below the municipal level.
Change from high price to low price
A large number of low-quality coiled materials are flooding the market, which has a certain degree of relationship with the weak quality consciousness of some enterprises and the psychology of greedy for cheap ones. Many enterprises take the purchase of inferior coil materials as a matter of course. They set the purchase goal as "cheaper point", as long as low price purchase, high price sale is the ultimate goal. Unqualified color steel coil processing time is very short, adhere to a short time, change the number of times become more, change the number of times become more, under this we should know the reason why demand exceeds supply, so enter a vicious cycle state.

