

天物彩板-始于2004 专注功能性高端彩板生产销售
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返回列表 来源: 发布日期: 2019.11.29





将大大降低维护保养成本。由于冷却塔的需要,其内部环境以湿热为主。因此,冷却塔所用材料必须具有良好的耐高温和耐腐蚀性能。金属镀层的腐蚀性能主要取决于镀层的厚度和待镀材料的溶解度。在相同厚度下,涂层材料的溶解度越高,溶解度越低的涂层使用寿命越长。在生产加工过程中,所加工的零件很少出现不良点或裂纹。镀锌板能承受较高的拉伸和弯曲强度。从而在很大程度上降低了加工过程中发生事故的可能性。在高温环境下,钢板的耐热性是其他电镀钢板的两倍。Galvanized sheet is made of a variety of metal materials. Its main function is to improve the corrosion resistance of steel sheet materials. The surface of steel plate is usually silver-white, and its surface is uniformly distributed with metallic patterns and very glossy surface. In the process of galvanizing, the technology of single metal coating is basically similar to that of multi-layer metal coating, which mainly adopts the continuous casting process. The production of closed cooling tower mainly uses galvanized sheet. Although this will increase the cost of production to a certain extent, it will greatly reduce the cost of maintenance in terms of service life and maintenance. Because of the need of cooling tower, its internal environment is mainly humid and hot. Therefore, the materials used in cooling towers must have good high temperature resistance and corrosion resistance. The corrosion performance of the metal coating depends mainly on the thickness of the coating and the solubility of the material to be plated. In the same thickness, the higher the solubility of the coated material, the longer the service life of the coatings with lower solubility. In the process of production and processing, there are few bad spots or cracks in the parts processed. Galvanized sheet can bear high tensile and bending strength. So it can reduce the possibility of accidents in processing to a great extent. In high temperature environment, the heat resistance of the steel sheet is twice as strong as that of other plated steel sheets.


