

天物彩板-始于2004 专注功能性高端彩板生产销售
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返回列表 来源: 发布日期: 2021.09.16




后来, 彩钢板暗扣顶板慢慢取代了明扣彩钢板。例如,暗扣角度松弛820、暗扣角度松弛760、暗扣420等。彩钢板这些暗扣板类型不需要在彩钢板上打钉子。彩钢板通过专用支撑支架接合,然后与屋面檩条连接。这种暗扣板的波纹度比裸露扣板的波纹度高得多。即使屋顶排水量很大,也不必担心雨水渗漏。
目前,比较流行的是垂直锁定和360°机械咬合车顶板。常用的垂直锁紧彩钢板类型有475、490,以及铝镁锰高立边65-430、65-400、铝镁锰低立边25-430等,如原钢结构屋面彩钢板大面积锈蚀、腐烂,现在雨水渗漏严重。拆除旧屋面彩钢板,更换宝钢板铝锌0.5mm彩钢板,使用寿命20年以上。板式采用820 360°机器咬边,强度好,抗台风,密封性好。可有效防止彩钢板屋面雨水渗漏。

The problem of rain leakage has always been the main problem of steel structure roof. The content of aluminum and zinc in ordinary color steel plate is only tens of grams, and the service life is only about 5 years; Baosteel and Yihui, combined with the color coating of iron and steel, have an aluminum and zinc content of 150g and a service life of 20 years or more. Therefore, the above color steel plate, especially the aluminum zinc plate, has high cost performance.

The traditional roof color steel plate is an open gusset plate, which needs self tapping screws on the color steel plate, and the corrugated is generally low, so there are many hidden dangers of rain leakage. At the nailing position, the nail hole is loose, rusty and leaking due to thermal expansion and cold contraction or roof trampling. Common open gusset plates include 840, 900, 35-125-750, etc.
Later, the concealed buckle roof panel slowly replaced the open buckle color steel plate. For example, concealed buckle angle relaxation 820, concealed buckle angle relaxation 760, concealed buckle 420, etc. These concealed buckle plate types do not need to hit nails on the color steel plate. The color steel plate is engaged through special supporting supports and then connected with the roof purlin. The corrugated of this concealed buckle plate is much higher than that of the exposed buckle plate. There is no need to worry about rain leakage even when the roof drainage is large.
At present, the more popular ones are vertical locking and 360 ° machine bite roof panels. The common color steel plate types for vertical locking are 475 and 490, as well as aluminum magnesium manganese high vertical edge 65-430, 65-400, aluminum magnesium manganese low vertical edge 25-430, etc. For example, the color steel plate of the original steel structure roof has rusted and rotted in a large area, and now there is serious rain leakage. It is necessary to remove the color steel plate of the old roof and replace the 0.5mm color steel plate of aluminum zinc plating of Baosteel plate, with a service life of more than 20 years. 820 360 ° machine undercut is adopted for the plate type, with good strength, typhoon resistance and good sealing. It can effectively prevent rain leakage of color steel plate roof.

