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返回列表 来源: 发布日期: 2019.08.09





聚乙烯是由乙烯聚合而成的高分子有机化合物。它可以分为两类:低分子量和高分子量。聚酯彩涂板_聚酯彩涂板生产厂家_聚酯彩涂板价格_天物彩板请拨打网站上方电话咨询低分子量一般为液体,无色,无味,不溶于水,密度为0.92 g/cm 3,可用作润滑剂和油漆。高分子量一般为固体、乳白色、热塑性和手性。它摸上去像蜡,密度在0.92到0.96克/厘米3之间。耐腐蚀,绝缘性能好。高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)具有刚性、硬度高、机械强度高等特点。可作为雷达、电视的容器、管道和高频电绝缘材料。不溶于水,吸水性小。当温度高于70℃时,它只能轻微地溶解一些化学溶剂,如甲苯、乙酸等,但随着温度在15~40℃之间的变化,微粒聚乙烯可以熔化或固化,当温度升高时,它可以吸收热量;当温度升高时,它可以吸收热量。它会收缩,凝固并散发热量。由于其吸水性小、不易受潮、保温性能好,也是一种很好的建筑材料。颗粒聚乙烯可以掺入水泥制成墙壁和地板。利用常温下吸热熔化和放热凝固的特点,在室温升高时熔化和吸热;在温度降低时凝固和放热。这样可以保持室温稳定。因此,它是一种良好的蓄热材料。根据其其他特点,该建筑材料还具有防漏、防热、防潮、防腐等功能。

PE, polyethylene, PE coating is a layer of plastic sprayed on the surface of color steel, mainly moisture-proof and corrosion-resistant.

Polyethylene is a high molecular organic compound, which is polymerized by ethylene. It can be divided into two kinds: low molecular weight and high molecular weight. Low molecular weight is generally liquid, colorless, tasteless, insoluble in water, density is 0.92 g/cm 3, and can be used as lubricant and paint. High molecular weight is generally solid, Milky white, thermoplastic, and hand. It feels waxy and its density is between 0.92 and 0.96 g/cm 3. It has corrosion resistance and good insulation. High density polyethylene (HDPE) has the characteristics of rigidity, hardness and high mechanical strength. It can be used as containers, pipes and high frequency electrical insulation materials for radar and television. It is insoluble in water and has little water absorption. It can only slightly dissolve some chemical solvents, such as toluene, acetic acid and so on, at temperatures above 70 C. However, particulate polyethylene can melt or solidify with the change of temperature between 15 and 40 C. When the temperature rises, it can absorb heat; when the temperature decreases, it solidifies and emits heat. It is also a good building material because of its small water absorption, not easy to damp, and insulation performance. The particulate polyethylene can be mixed in cement to make walls and floors. Taking advantage of its characteristics of endothermic melting and exothermic solidification at normal temperature, when the room temperature rises, it melts and absorbs heat; when the temperature decreases, it solidifies and emits heat. This will keep the room temperature stable. Therefore, it is a good heat storage material. According to its other characteristics, this building material also has the function of anti-leakage, anti-heat, moisture-proof and anti-corrosion.


