

天物彩板-始于2004 专注功能性高端彩板生产销售
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返回列表 来源: 发布日期: 2020.09.29



4 彩钢板屋面各种内部设备的屏蔽和保护功能;
6 彩钢板屋面合理分配各种内部线路。
1、 彩钢板屋面屋顶防雷是外部防雷系统的一部分,即避雷器、避雷带或避雷网。由于金属屋面容易引起雷击,在设计金属屋面建筑时,应根据防雷设计的六大要素来考虑如何防止屋顶的雷击。传统的建筑物防雷方法是采用富兰克林的常规避雷针或避雷针与避雷网相结合,但金属屋面金属板较薄,不可能安装高大笨重的传统避雷针。2、 雷电理论和观测表明,云地闪电与人类活动密切相关。这是雷暴云中电荷中心向地球的脉冲放电过程。除了主要的脉冲放电过程是光导和回程外,还有一系列其他脉冲放电过程。回击电流的特点是峰值电流高,放电时间短,回击电流脉冲的平均峰值在几十到几百千安培之间,持续几十到几百微秒,形成雷击电流的剧烈变化。

Lightning protection of color steel sheet roof is very important for the safety of metal roof. The following is a brief introduction to the six elements of lightning protection system design

1. Lightning protection function of external and internal lightning protection devices of buildings;
2. The diversion effect of down lead;
3. The equilibrium potential of each part of the building;
4. Shielding and protection function of various internal equipment;
5. Grounding effect;
6. Reasonable distribution of various internal lines.
Generally speaking, it is the external lightning protection system and the internal lightning protection system.
1、 The lightning protection of roof is a part of the external lightning protection system, that is, lightning arrester, lightning strip or lightning net. As the metal roof is easy to cause lightning strike, how to prevent lightning on the roof should be considered according to the six major elements of lightning protection design when designing metal roof buildings. The traditional lightning protection method of buildings is to use Franklin's conventional lightning conductor or lightning rod combined with lightning protection network, but the metal plate of metal roof is thin, so it is impossible to install tall and heavy traditional lightning rod. 2、 The lightning theory and observation show that cloud to ground lightning is closely related to human beings. It is the pulse discharge process of the charged center in thunderstorm cloud to the earth. In addition to the main pulse discharge process of photoconductivity and return stroke, there are also a series of other pulse discharge processes. The characteristics of return stroke are high peak current, short discharge time, and average peak value of return stroke current pulse is dozens to Several hundred kiloamperes, lasting for tens to hundreds of microseconds, form a dramatic change in lightning current.

