

天物彩板-始于2004 专注功能性高端彩板生产销售
服务热线: 400-060-9166
服务热线: 13931586578


返回列表 来源: 发布日期: 2021.05.31



1.彩涂钢板价格 (4)

这是因为线圈长期受风吹日晒,容易开裂老化,再次造成泄漏。线圈施工效果如下: 彩钢房屋对于金属屋面的渗漏维修,建议采用防紫外线防水涂料和网格布进行防水维修。这种方法比线圈材料长,效果好。对于上图中的屋顶维护,我们提出了以下解决方案,可能会对您有所帮助。 1) 拆除彩钢表面原有防水卷材,沿彩钢与墙面接缝开槽,用密封膏密封,用堵漏宝抹平;   2) 墙面水泥砂浆找平基层,当基层符合要求时,大面涂以吉地涂料101柔性防水砂浆做底;  3) 砂浆干燥连接后,在砂浆表面刷高弹正式屋面防水涂料层至1.5mm。彩钢之间的搭接处应用网布加固。

Nowadays, people often build color steel houses outside the main structure in order to expand their indoor space, but they often build nine leakage buildings. There are two reasons for this. First, there is a hidden danger in the previous generation, because the metal plate and wall behind it are mostly butted, and no slotting and fixing treatment is carried out on the structural wall. The butt joint is only covered with surface or foamed foam. It has no elastic and tensile properties, and is not suitable for the deformation of the structure, so it can cause cracks and cause leakage. Second, after leakage, some owners choose coil for maintenance, and leakage will occur soon. This is because the coil is exposed to long-term wind and sun, which is easy to crack and aging, which causes leakage again. The construction effect of coil is as follows:   for leakage maintenance of metal roof, we suggest using waterproof coating with UV radiation resistance and grid cloth for waterproof maintenance. This method is longer than that of coil material, and the effect is good. For the roof maintenance of the above figure, the following solutions are proposed, which may be helpful to you.    1) remove the original waterproof roll of color steel surface, slot along the joint between color steel and wall, seal with sealing paste and smooth with leakage blocking treasure;    2) the wall cement mortar leveling base course, when the base meets the requirements, the large surface shall be painted with githi coating 101 flexible waterproof mortar to make the bottom;   3) after the mortar is dried and conjunctived, the high elastic waterproof coating layer of the official roof shall be applied to the surface of the mortar to 1.5mm. The overlapping joint between color steel shall be reinforced with mesh cloth.

