

天物彩板-始于2004 专注功能性高端彩板生产销售
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返回列表 来源: 发布日期: 2021.06.18


金属屋面材料主要有镀锌钢板、不锈钢板、铝合金板、铜板、锌铜钛复合板和纯钛板。金属板彩钢板屋面具有施工简单、速度快、防水性能好、可重复使用等优点。它除了能抵抗地球气候产生的最高和最低温度外,当用作屋顶材料时,很少受到气候和屋顶变形引起的应力的影响。人们也可以根据情况刷各种颜色的油漆。3000系列铝锰(铝锰镁)合金 彩钢板屋面主要用于屋面/幕墙系统。


3000系列铝锰合金的延伸率、硬度、抗拉强度、屈服强度等指标非常适合于卷边、轧制设备的加工。因此,它被广泛应用于屋顶/墙面系统等外部维修工程中,通过多种涂装体系和涂装工艺,使建筑外观丰富多彩,同时也提高了铝合金本身的耐腐蚀性。屋面用铝材最小厚度为0.7mm。铝材厚度为1mm时,重量为2.7kg/m2。当厚度为0.7mm时,其质量为1.89kg/m2。线圈的长度不受限制。其主要特点是:密度2.7,熔点658,温度20-100℃℃, 线膨胀系数为0.0000023,断裂载荷系数为8-12kg/mm(根据材料硬度而定),伸长率为10-40%,厚度为0.7-1.2mm,当为铝波纹板时,厚度可减至0.6mm,也可焊接。1、 耐久性比较:铝镁锰合金能与大气形成氧化铝膜,防止进一步腐蚀。一般用于民用建筑时有15-20年的涂装质量保证期。建筑设计使用年限超过50年。一般保证期为25年;彩钢板在潮湿的空气、雨雪水下,特别是铆接部位,容易腐蚀生锈。2、 重量比较:铝镁锰合金重量轻(密度2730kg/m2);彩钢板重量较重(密度7850kg/m2)。3.彩钢板屋面强度和刚度比较:铝镁锰合金中的铝合金含有镁和锰,因此具有一定的强度和刚度。但铝合金板材的内应力、硬化和强度没有明显的屈服点,不如彩钢;彩钢板的强度和刚度较好,不易变形。4、 外观控制:铝镁锰合金分为不涂漆(锤击、压花、预钝化氧化铝表面处理等)和涂漆(PVDF、SMP、PE等);彩钢板可分为不涂漆(热浸铝锌合金钢带:光面板)和涂漆(PVDF、SMP、PE、HDP等)。5、 防雷性能:铝镁锰合金厚度一般为0.7mm和0.9mm,可直接用作避雷器(国家建筑防雷设计规范(gb50057)),避免屋顶穿孔;彩钢板一般采用0.5mm厚的铝锌镀锌钢板,不能直接用作避雷器,需增设避雷器(如避雷针)。6、 防火安全:低熔点铝镁锰合金(660℃). 耐高温性差,当温度超过150℃时,强度迅速丧失℃. 一旦发生火灾,屋顶容易烧穿,使火势向外蔓延,而不是向内蔓延,有利于消防人员将防水管火从顶部延伸;彩钢板熔点高(1515)℃). 7、 成型:铝镁锰合金焊接性好,塑性高。在低温环境下,提高了铝合金的强度和塑性,具有良好的低温工作性能;彩钢板在低温下易冷脆。8、 性价比:铝镁锰合金性价比较高:轻便、防水、易弯弧、立体视觉效果好;彩钢板性价比低:质量重,防水性稍差,刚性强,弧度弯曲性稍差,艺术效果差。

Metal roofing materials mainly include galvanized steel sheet, stainless steel sheet, aluminum alloy sheet, copper sheet, zinc copper titanium composite sheet and pure titanium sheet. The advantages of metal plate roof are simple construction, fast speed, good waterproof performance and reusability. In addition to resisting the highest and lowest temperature produced by the earth's climate, when used as roofing materials, it is rarely affected by the stress caused by climate and roof deformation. People can also brush various colors of paint according to the situation. The 3000 series aluminum manganese (aluminum manganese magnesium) alloy is mainly used in the roof / curtain wall system. The elongation, hardness, tensile strength, yield strength and other indexes of the 3000 series aluminum manganese alloy are very suitable for the processing of roof curling and rolling equipment. Therefore, it is widely used in roof / wall system and other external maintenance projects, and with a variety of painting systems and painting processes, it makes the building appearance colorful, and also increases the corrosion resistance of aluminum alloy itself. The minimum thickness of aluminum material used for roofing is 0.7mm. When the thickness of aluminum material is 1mm, its weight is 2.7kg/m2. When the thickness is 0.7mm, its mass is 1.89kg/m2. The length of the coil is not limited. Its main characteristics are as follows: density is 2.7, melting point is 658, temperature is 20-100 ℃, linear expansion coefficient is 0.0000023, breaking load coefficient is 8-12 kg / mm (varies according to the hardness of the material), elongation is 10-40%, thickness is 0.7-1.2 mm, when it is aluminum corrugated plate, thickness can be reduced to 0.6 mm, It can also be welded. 1、 Durability comparison: aluminum magnesium manganese alloy can form alumina film with the atmosphere to prevent further corrosion. Generally, it has 15-20 years coating warranty when used in civil buildings. The service life of architectural design is more than 50 years. The general guarantee period is 25 years; The color steel plate is easy to be corroded and rusted under the wet air, rain and snow water, especially the rivet and joint parts. 2、 Weight comparison: aluminum magnesium manganese alloy is light (density is 2730 kg / m2); The weight of color steel plate is relatively heavy (the density is 7850kg / m2). 3. Comparison of strength and rigidity: the aluminum alloy of aluminum magnesium manganese alloy contains magnesium and manganese, so it has certain strength and rigidity. However, the internal stress, hardening and strength of aluminum alloy sheet have no obvious yield point, which is not as good as color steel; The strength and rigidity of color steel plate are better, and it is not easy to deform. 4、 Appearance control: Al Mg Mn alloy can be divided into non painting (hammer, embossing, pre passivated alumina surface treatment, etc.) and painting (PVDF, SMP, PE, etc.); Color steel plate can be divided into non painting (hot-dip aluminum zinc alloy steel strip: smooth plate) and painting (PVDF, SMP, PE, HDP, etc.). 5、 Lightning protection performance: the thickness of Al Mg Mn alloy is generally 0.7mm and 0.9mm, which can be directly used as lightning arrester (national code for design of lightning protection of buildings (GB 50057)), avoiding perforation on the roof; The color steel plate generally adopts 0.5mm thick aluminum zinc and galvanized steel plate, which can not be directly used as lightning arrester, and lightning arrester (such as lightning rod) needs to be erected additionally. 6、 Fire safety: low melting point of Al Mg Mn alloy (660 ℃). The high temperature resistance is poor, and the strength is rapidly lost when the temperature is above 150 ℃. In case of fire, the roof is easy to burn through, which makes the fire spread outwards rather than inwardly, which helps firefighters to extend the waterproof pipe fire from the top; The melting point of color steel plate is high (1515 ℃). 7、 Molding: the aluminum magnesium manganese alloy has good weldability and high plasticity. Under low temperature environment, the strength and ductility of the aluminum alloy are improved, and it has good low temperature working performance; The color steel plate is easy to be cold brittle at low temperature. 8、 Cost performance: aluminum magnesium manganese alloy cost performance is higher: light, waterproof, easy to bend arc, stereo visual effect is good; The cost performance of color steel plate is low: heavy quality, slightly poor waterproof, strong rigidity, slightly poor arc bending, poor artistic effect.

