

天物彩板-始于2004 专注功能性高端彩板生产销售
服务热线: 400-060-9166
服务热线: 13931586578


返回列表 来源: 发布日期: 2021.08.04



墙面如有损坏,应及时修复。底部处理主要包括底部清理、脱脂、修补顶部缺陷和刮腻子。 彩钢夹芯板为保证顶部的平整度,应至少涂抹两次腻子。彩钢夹芯板在涂装前应至少涂底漆和面漆两次。每道面漆干燥后,应重新进行腻子和砂纸打磨,并用湿布擦拭漆膜上的漂浮物,然后再刷下一道面漆。涂层整理包括研磨、抛光和其他过程。表面抛光应使用水砂纸,抛光时应使用蘸有沙蜡的干净软布擦拭表面
(1) 充分清洁板与板之间的间隙,确保粘接表面清洁干燥;
(2) 为调整接缝深度,避免三面粘胶,接缝填充PVC发泡材料(小圆杆);
(3) 注胶后,将胶缝表面打磨光滑,去除多余的胶水;
(4) 注胶后注意固化。在胶水完全硬化之前,不得被灰尘和划痕污染。

The color steel sandwich panel must be cleaned and maintained regularly for the curtain wall system. Generally, a routine inspection is carried out at least once a year, so as to find potential problems, maintain its beautiful surface and prolong its service life. When cleaning the surface of color steel sandwich panel, it must be noted that there is no surface scratch. The color steel sandwich panel shall avoid using bleaching ingredients, washing solution containing abrasive, steel ball, grinding tools, etc. at the end of washing, the surface shall be washed from top to bottom with clean water. Magnesium oxysulfide color steel sandwich panel

If the wall surface is damaged, it shall be repaired in time. The bottom treatment is mainly composed of bottom cleaning, degreasing, repairing the defects on the top and puttying. In order to ensure the flatness of the top, puttying shall be applied at least twice. The color steel sandwich panel shall be painted with primer and finish paint at least twice before coating. After each coat of finish paint is dry, re putty and sandpaper polishing shall be carried out, and the floating objects on the paint film shall be wiped with a wet cloth before brushing for the next coat. Coating finishing includes grinding, polishing and other processes. Water sandpaper shall be used for surface polishing, and clean soft cloth dipped in sand wax shall be used to wipe the surface during polishing
The color steel sandwich panel must be caulked and sealed with weather resistant glue while fixing the edge plate and flashing plate to prevent gas penetration and rainwater leakage. Attention shall be paid to the following during the sealant injection of caulking weather resistant adhesive:
(1) Fully clean the gap between plates to ensure that the bonding surface is clean and dry;
(2) In ordr to adjust the depth of the joint and avoid glue on three sides, the joint is filled with PVC foaming material (small round rod);
(3) After glue injection, the surface of glue joint shall be smoothed to remove excess glue;
(4) Pay attention to curing after glue injection. Before the glue is fully hardened, it shall not be contaminated with dust and scratches.

