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返回列表 来源: 发布日期: 2021.01.29



17.聚酯彩板每吨价格 (6)
The adhesion between the coating and the substrate directly affects the adhesion of the coating, so the chemical treatment state of the substrate surface also directly affects the adhesion between the coating and the substrate. A good pretreatment process can produce a stable conversion film on the substrate surface, which can not only improve the corrosion resistance of the substrate, but also improve the adhesion between the substrate and the coating.

The results show that different pretreatment processes have obvious effects on the adhesion and aging properties of the coating. The formula and process parameters of different pretreatment suppliers are different, so the cleaning degree of grease on the surface of the substrate, the corrosion degree of the substrate by cleaning agent, the toughness of the conversion film itself, and the anti-corrosion elements in the conversion film will have a great impact on the adhesion and aging performance of the coating, which has not been further studied in this paper.

