

天物彩板-始于2004 专注功能性高端彩板生产销售
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返回列表 来源: 发布日期: 2020.08.26


聚氨酯硬泡保温彩钢板作为一种建筑节能保温材料,在欧洲、美国、日本等发达国家得到了广泛应用,普及率为80%,在我国不足10%。聚聚氨酯硬泡保温彩钢板 作为一种优良的节能保温材料,以其优异的隔热、防火、保温性能,可以有效解决我国的能源消费危机。

聚氨酯硬泡保温彩钢板广泛应用于大型工业厂房、冷库、车库、活动房屋、展厅、展厅、体育馆、购物中心、机场、电厂、别墅、医院、地层及高层写字楼等领域。由于其优良的保温性能,主要用于工业和民用建筑的屋面和墙体。三明治对泄漏屋面板、聚氨酯硬质泡沫塑料保温板,聚氨酯复合材料板、聚氨酯板,聚氨酯夹芯板是流行的术语,严格来说,应该用于聚氨酯隔热夹芯板,符合国家标准GB / T 23932 - 2009,该产品是硬质聚氨酯保温层的双金属表面,金属板,非金属表面复合镀层,通常用于工业厂房、综合物流、仓储、墙体、屋顶围护系统的建筑。
当聚氨酯夹芯板粘结强度不小于0.09mpa时,夹芯板燃烧性能达到B1级,夹芯板抗弯承载力为Lo/200(Lo为支架之间的距离),夹芯板抗弯承载力不小于0.5kN /m2。板材的有效宽度通常为1000mm,长度可定制。



Polyurethane composite board, as a building energy saving and thermal insulation material, has been widely used in Europe, the United States, Japan and other developed countries, with a penetration rate of 80%, less than 10% in China. As an excellent energy saving and heat preservation material, polyurethane sandwich board can provide efficient solutions to China's energy consumption crisis with its excellent heat insulation, fire prevention and heat preservation performance.

Polyurethane sandwich panels are widely used in large industrial plants, cold storage, garages, mobile houses, exhibition halls, exhibition halls, gymnasiums, shopping centers, airports, power plants, villas, hospitals, stratum and high-rise office buildings and other fields. Due to their excellent thermal insulation performance, they are mainly used in the roofing and wall of industrial and civil buildings. Sandwich against leaking roof panel, polyurethane rigid foam insulation board, polyurethane composite panels, PU board, is the popular term polyurethane sandwich board, strictly speaking, should be used in polyurethane thermal insulation sandwich board, conforms to the national standard GB/T 23932-2009, the product is rigid polyurethane as the thermal insulation layer of double metal surface, sheet metal, non-metallic surface composite plate, usually used in industrial workshop, integrated logistics, warehousing, walls, roof containment system of the building.
When the bonding strength of polyurethane sandwich panel is not less than 0.09mpa, the combustion performance of sandwich panel reaches Class B1, and the flexural capacity of sandwich panel is Lo/200(Lo is the distance between the supports), the flexural capacity of sandwich panel is not less than 0.5kN /m2. The effective width of the sheet is usually 1000mm and the length can be customized.
The production of polyurethane sandwich board requires an advanced continuous production line, and the process is formed by cold bending of internal and external galvanized (aluminum-zinc plated) colored steel plate, and compounded by polyurethane hard foam coating in the middle. The use of patented leak-proof sandwich roofing board is to give full play to the advantages of polyurethane sandwich board.
This product has the following characteristics:
1) Thermal conductivity low polyurethane sandwich composite board has low thermal conductivity and good thermal insulation performance, so it is the best thermal insulation material at present.
2) Beautiful plate shape and convenient installation
3) Polyurethane sandwich board has good fire resistance
4) Polyurethane sandwich board is non-toxic and tasteless
5) Wide range of temperature
6) waterproof, moisture proof polyurethane sandwich panel beautiful shape, the overall effect is good, it integrating bearing, thermal insulation, fire prevention, waterproof, without secondary decoration, convenient installation, short construction period, good comprehensive benefits, have good price advantage, is a kind of widely used, potential energy efficient building palisade materials, it is advocated by the ministry of construction and promotion of a new type of energy-saving plates.

