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返回列表 来源: 发布日期: 2021.07.28



6.山西彩板价格 (5)

The system structure of composite rock wool board is mainly composed of bonding layer, thermal insulation layer, plastering layer, surface layer and accessories. The bonding layer belongs to the building, which is between the bottom layer and the surface layer. The upper and lower layers are firmly bonded with cementitious materials, and the filler mainly comes from inorganic materials.

In terms of particle size, the compressive strength of some fine-grained rocks or concealed rocks is often greater than that of coarse-grained rocks. The composite rock wool board is composed of galvanized steel plate, PVC plastic decorative film, adhesive and rock wool. Specifically, the composite rock wool board is a kind of composite rock wool board, which is lined with a certain thickness of rock wool in the middle of two layers of 0.7mm thick galvanized steel plate. The connection form between is A-type plate and C-type plate. The system structure of composite rock wool board is mainly composed of bonding layer, thermal insulation layer, plastering layer, surface layer and accessories. The bonding layer belongs to the building, which is between the bottom layer and the surface layer. The upper and lower layers are firmly bonded with cementitious materials, and the filler mainly comes from inorganic materials. Because different types of natural rocks are used in the production process, the size of crystal particles is different, but the compressive strength of crystal particles produced by rocks is small and high.
The performance of type II binder mainly depends on the binder used in the production process. According to its architecture, adhesive layer, insulating layer, wiping layer, coating layer and accessories can be seen. Adhesive is used for adhesive layer and surface layer, and its compressive strength shall be good. However, it should be noted that the actual situation varies depending on the quality of the adhesive.

There are many factors affecting the compressive strength of color steel rock wool composite board, but the structure, cement performance and pressure direction are important. Therefore, in the production process, we should pay attention to the selection and procurement of high-quality production materials and adhesives.

