

天物彩板-始于2004 专注功能性高端彩板生产销售
服务热线: 400-060-9166
服务热线: 13931586578


返回列表 来源: 发布日期: 2020.07.07





(2) 如果厚板镀锌层厚度大,误差大,如果低于标准厚度,客户不满意,超过标准厚度对生产成本的影响比较大。

(3) 热轧板卷的长度很短。虽然安装了在线镀锌量规,但电镀后空气刀与厚度计之间有100多米的距离。以3.0mm钢卷为例,其全长仅400米左右,镀锌延迟占25%。随着调整时间的推移,一个线圈很快就完成了。

(4) 热轧板的厚度差和板形对镀锌量有很大影响,不利于镀层均匀性和精度的控制。影响涂层厚度的主要因素有:生产线速度、气刀间距和气刀气压。我们可以收集上述项目不同范围的数据和生产中镀锌量的结果,总结镀锌量与各变量之间的关系,得出指导生产操作的数学模型公式,使各项目的数据可以预先设定,使结果接近标准值,再进行微调,从而精确控制镀锌量,提高产品质量,降低生产成本。通过这种关系,在知道所需镀锌量标准的前提下,根据实际生产情况,先确定生产线速度、风刀间距等需要保证的工艺参数,然后反算所需气压,并提前设定,根据结果进行调整,掌握镀锌量控制的主动权。

The accurate control of plating thickness is one of the most basic directions in galvanizing production, but this problem is particularly important in the galvanizing of heavy plate. This is because: 

(1) the thickness of zinc coating of thick plate has reached the upper limit of air knife control, so it is difficult to control accurately. 

(2) If the thickness of zinc coating on thick plate is large, if the error is large, the customer is not satisfied if the thickness is lower than the standard thickness, and the impact of exceeding the standard thickness on the production cost is relatively large. 

(3) The length of a coil of hot-rolled plate is very short. Although an on-line galvanizing gauge is installed, there is a distance of more than 100 meters from the air knife to the thickness gauge through the cooling tower after plating. Taking 3.0 mm steel coil as an example, its total length is only about 400 meters, and the delay of galvanizing accounts for 25%. With the adjustment time, one coil is soon finished. 

(4) The thickness difference and shape of hot-rolled plate have great influence on the amount of zinc plating, which is not conducive to the control of uniformity and accuracy of plate coating. The main factors affecting the thickness of coating are: production line speed, air knife spacing and gas pressure of air knife. We can collect the data of different ranges of the above projects and the results of zinc plating amount in production, summarize the relationship between the zinc plating amount and various variables, and obtain the mathematical model formula to guide the production operation, so that the data of various projects can be set in advance To the result close to the standard value, and then fine-tuning, so that the amount of zinc plating can be accurately controlled, improve product quality and reduce production costs. Through this relationship, on the premise of knowing the required galvanizing quantity standard, the process parameters to be guaranteed, such as production line speed and air knife spacing, can be determined first according to the actual production situation, then the required air pressure can be calculated back and set in advance, and then the initiative of zinc plating quantity control can be mastered by adjusting according to the results.

