

天物彩板-始于2004 专注功能性高端彩板生产销售
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返回列表 来源: 发布日期: 2020.06.15


一。若 外墙单彩板旧漆膜坚实完整,且构件表面附着良好,可用肥皂水或稀碱水除去旧漆膜表面的杂质,用清水冲洗干燥,抛光后涂刷。
三。如果大部分 外墙单彩板旧漆膜已损坏并脱落,则需要彻底清除。去除方法如下:
1) 喷火:即漆膜用火炬火焰燃烧后,立即用刀片刮去。这种方法一般用于小面积旧漆膜的清洗。
2) 碱性水清洗方法:用石灰和纯碱稀溶液或5%-10%(质量分数)氢氧化钠溶液刷3-4遍。旧漆膜起皱剥落,再用刀片刮掉,用清水冲洗。
3) 刷除漆方法:将市面上出售的旧漆膜刷除漆。大约半小时后,旧漆膜就会膨胀和起皱。使用刀片和钢丝刷清除部件表面的旧漆膜和其他杂物。
4) 脱漆膏法:将脱漆膏涂在旧漆膜表面2-3层,约2-3小时,漆膜损坏,用刀片清除后用水清洗。如果旧漆膜太厚,为了缩短浸泡时间,可以先用刀将旧漆膜划破适当数量的孔,然后涂上除漆剂。

Different measures can be taken to clean the old paint mold on the surface of the component according to the different conditions of the paint film. Specific measures include:

1. If the old paint film is solid and complete, and the component surface adheres well, the impurities on the surface of the old paint film can be removed with soap water or dilute alkali water, washed and dried with clear water, and then painted after polishing.
2. If most of the old paint film is well attached to the components, and some parts need to be removed, in addition to cleaning according to the above methods, the process of puttying, polishing, paint repair, etc. shall also be carried out to make sure that the old paint film is flat and consistent, and the color is the same.
3. If most of the old paint film has been damaged and fallen off, it needs to be completely removed. The removal methods are as follows:
1) Fire spraying: that is, after the paint film is burned with the torch flame, it is immediately scraped off with a blade. This method is generally used to clean the old paint film with small area.
2) Alkaline water cleaning method: Brush 3-4 times with the dilute solution of lime and soda ash or 5% - 10% (mass fraction) sodium hydroxide solution. The old paint film is wrinkled and peeled off, then scraped off with a blade and washed with clear water.
3) Brush paint remover method: brush the paint remover sold on the market on the old paint film. After about half an hour, the old paint film will swell and wrinkle. Use the blade and wire brush to remove the old paint film and other sundries on the component surface.
4) Paint depainting paste method: apply depainting paste on the surface of the old paint film for 2-3 layers, about 2-3 hours, the paint film is damaged, and clean it with water after being removed with a blade. If the old paint film is too thick, in order to shorten the soaking time, you can first use a knife to break the old paint film through a proper number of holes, and then apply paint remover.

