

天物彩板-始于2004 专注功能性高端彩板生产销售
服务热线: 400-060-9166
服务热线: 13931586578


返回列表 来源: 发布日期: 2021.04.14



35.硅改彩板天物价格 (5)

(2)补新风风机。当 彩涂板生产线补新风风机发生故障而无法工作时,固化炉内的可燃气体浓度会升高,此时应迅速打开涂机涂头停止涂敷。待补新风风机恢复工作后,才可进行涂敷操作。同时为了保护彩涂板生产线新风换热器,应迅速关闭焚烧炉燃烧机或将焚烧炉设定温度调低。
(3)排废气风机。当 彩涂板生产线排废气风机发生故障而无法工作时,固化炉炉压将变为正压,炉气将向车间溢出污染操作环境,此时应迅速关闭补风风机、焚烧炉燃烧机和焚烧炉排烟阀门,以避免废气预热器和补新风预热器被焚烧炉高温烟气烧坏。前摄能的济面路(7


(1) Circulating fan. When the circulating fan fails to work, the combustor and the circulating air duct valve in this area should be closed quickly. At the same time, when the medium temperature is greater than 250 ℃, the fan impeller should be rotated by manual turning to avoid damage to the fan. In addition, because the area can not work, so the curing furnace should take speed down operation or adjust the setting temperature of each area to ensure the curing quality of the coating.

(2) Make up fresh air fan. When the fresh air fan fails to work, the concentration of combustible gas in the curing furnace will increase. At this time, the coating head of the coating machine should be quickly opened to stop coating. The coating operation can only be carried out after the fresh air fan is restored to work. At the same time, in order to protect the fresh air heat exchanger, the burner of the incinerator should be shut down quickly or the set temperature of the incinerator should be lowered.

(3) Exhaust fan. When the exhaust gas fan fails to work, the furnace pressure of the curing furnace will change to positive pressure, and the furnace gas will overflow to the workshop to pollute the operating environment. At this time, the make-up fan, incinerator burner and incinerator exhaust valve should be closed quickly to avoid the waste gas preheater and make-up air preheater being burned by the high temperature flue gas of the incinerator. Jimian road of proactive energy (7)

(4) Smoke exhaust fan. When the exhaust fan fails to work, the furnace pressure of the incinerator will change to positive pressure, and the furnace pressure of the curing furnace will also rise due to certain influence. At this time, if the fault can be handled in a short time, the temperature of the curing furnace and the unit speed should be reduced, and the temperature of the curing furnace should be reduced on the premise of ensuring that the furnace pressure of the curing furnace is negative. At this time, the incinerator will continue to operate to ensure the incineration of waste gas. If it can't be handled in a short time, it's better to stop production and resume production after the accident is handled.

